Christmas Card Day - December 9
Sat Dec 9th

Christmas Card Day

Each year around this time, families and families start sending their holiday cards. The holiday card day on December 9th is a reminder to get your stamps, envelopes, and cards together so you can share your holiday cheer.

Sending a card during the holidays hasn't always been a tradition.. Sending Penny Post was cheap and frequent in Victorian England. It had also been considered rude to ignore a written message. One particular Victorian invented the holiday card out of necessity. Sir Henry Cole received regular letters from his mother, but it left him little time for other commitments. In 1843, he asked J.C. Horsley to illustrate a sketch he had in mind. Cole soon, Cole was off to the printer, and he sent the first Christmas card in the Penny Post to family, relatives, and many acquaintances.

At Christmastime, we get a variety of cards today. In a broader sense, the tradition of Christmas cards is still present. More than ever, social and electronic media keep us connected in this modern world. However, the Christmas card remains a part of our annual tradition, even though it takes on a new style or pattern.

  • Photo cards – Many families print an annual holiday photo for mailing to friends and relatives. These photos may be snapshots or professional photos. Most families save them from social media, so it's still a surprise when they arrive in the mail
  • These letters often highlight the year's activities. – These letters often highlight the year's events. Not everyone has Facebook, so it's a good way to keep up with friends and family. The letters usually run for a page in length, but some letter writers have a lot more to say
  • Postcards – These simple cards generally have the same holiday greeting as a standard Christmas card does, but without a fold or an envelope. They are quick and easy to send, too, with a photo on one side and a short message on the other
  • Business card – This year, Christmas cards have arrived from businesses that want to remind us that our company is still important. Businesses know their best clients like to be remembered during the holidays as a marketing tactic
  • Those of us are holding any holiday cards until New Year, and some of us are holding off sending any holiday cards until New Year. They still need to keep in touch with their families and friends, so they send their best wishes in the form of a Happy New Year card. So, don't mark anyone off your Christmas card list until the first of the year

These holiday cards may be the only correspondence we get all year long from a friend or family friend. These once-a-year notes touch us with a smidgeon this time of year, even though we spent an excessive amount of time with them once.. "We're thinking of you," we say as we re connected once more and say, "We're thinking of you."

How to Observe #christmascardday

Update your mailing list. Gather the stamps and choose your favorite card from your collection. On each card, will you be writing personal notes? Will you send a mass letter or will you send a mass letter? Also, dress up the pets or family members for a last-minute snapshot. As the holiday cards start pouring in your mail studded with Ho Hos! and holiday greetings of all sorts, get ready to be glitter bombed. Use #ChristmasCardDay on social media to highlight your favorite Christmas card design.

The christmas card day is a holiday in the United States

Sir Henry Cole, although the origins of Christmas Card Day are yet to be determined, does receive praise for designing the first Christmas Card in 1843. However, the project took several years to make its way to the United States. Louis Prang immigrated from Prussia in 1850 and opened a Boston print shop.. He developed many methods of lithography from around the world, and after being inspired by his wife, he began making floral Christmas cards in 1875.

Christmas card FAQ

Q. When was the first Christmas stamp issued? r 1, 1962, the United States Post Office issued its first Christmas Stamp. A. The United States Post Office issued its first Christmas Stamp on November 1, 1962. Jim Crawford created the 4 stamp that featured a green wreath and two candles. On a red banner, "Christmas 1962" was written across the bottom.

Q. How much does it cost to mail a Christmas card? First-class stamps for a 1-ounce letter cost 58.