February 2th is National Groundhog, National Heavenly Hash, National Tater Tot, World Play Your Ukulele, World Wetlands and more!

National Groundhog Day

Every year, one question is asked about National Groundhog Day, February 2nd. Will he see his shadow? Ok, well, maybe it's another question. Is there going to be six more weeks of winter? In the United States and Canada, the day is commemorated each year.

National Heavenly Hash Day

On February 2nd, a family's favorite that covers a variety of desserts with a common ingredient is recognized on National Heavenly Hash Day.

National Tater Tot Day

National Tater Tot Day, February 2nd, honors a kitchen staple.. Each year, we in the United States consume approximately 3.5 billion of these nuggets of potato goodness.

World Play Your Ukulele Day

Every year on February 2nd, World Play Your Ukulele Day encourages music enthusiasts to take out their four-stringed instrument and strum away. It's also a day to get people interested in the ukulele.'

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day, the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands in each year, raises concerns for the world's vanishing wetlands.