Geek Pride Day - May 25
Thu May 25th

Geek Pride Day

Get your geek on! On May 25, let your geek flags fly! All things geeky are celebrated on Geek Pride Day. fantasy, board games, video games, comic books, cosplay, anime, steampunk, and zombies, among other things. It is for those people who like sci-fi, fantasy, board games, computer games, comic books, comic books, comic books, cosplay, anime, steampunk, and zombies.

Geeks are a diverse group with one common trait: passion. Especially for electronics and those things that are outside of mainstream interests, and that can make them seem eccentric.

Geeks are intelligent, at least if collections of information measure intelligence. Geeks, who gather a lot of details, like Geeks.

Geeks invent things, too. Thomas Edison, Steve Wozniak, and Benjamin Franklin are among the notable geeks to have appeared on televisions. Each one was innovative, eccentric, and passionate about topics that were outside of their normal culture..

Several tech journals and websites promote the bill of rights for geeks. Some of the geek rights include:: The following are a few of the geek rights:

  • It's okay to be more geeky
  • staying at home
  • Be a virgin and not have a spouse, and not have a partner
  • I don't like football or sports, but I don't like football or sports
  • The right to geek association is reserved to the right to geek association..
  • You may have few friends (or none) if you have few (or none) at all
  • All the friend's geeks who love each other will have all the friend's geeks who adore each other
  • This is not to go to fashion, not to go to fashion
  • To overweight and myopia, go to obesity and myopia
  • world domination

Ekprideday observance on has the full report

To find out if you are a geek, visit the Geek Pride Day website to find out if you are a geek.

#GeekPrideDay is a hashtag that is trending on social media. Follow #GeekPrideDay on social media.

On Geek Pride Day, be the geekiest you can be if you are a geek. If you are a geek, be the geekiest you can be.

  1. Be more competitive: be more geeky than anyone else.

  2. You must give your opinion in a discussion about something geeky.

    1. All geeky stuff must be saved and protected.
  3. Show off geeky stuff as a "museum of geekiness."

  4. Don't be a generalized geek. To do something, you must specialize in something.

  5. A geeky film with a passionate, eccentric fandom can be downloaded or streamed.

  6. Watch the first Star Wars movie, released in 1977, watch the first Star Wars film ever made.

  7. Go to a public gathering in costume or at least with a geekdom T-shirt.

  8. Don't waste your time on something that is not related to geekdom.

  9. Befriend any individual or groups having any physical similarity to comic book or sci-fi figures.

The geek pride day is the longest in geek pride day in history

Why May 25? Why May 25? It's the day "Star Wars" premiered in 1977, making it an appropriate pick for all things geeky.

im McEachern, 1998 – Tim McEachern, arranged unrelated activities such as the Geek Pride Festival and/or Geek Pride Day.

D'a del Orgullo friki, an international observance, began in Spain in 2006 and has since spread around the world via the internet.

Geek Pride Days at The Barn, Dick Morley's retreat in New Hampshire, were held at The Barn in 2001. In his book, Techshock – Future under reconstruction – He discusses it.

2006 – Organized worldwide publicity began in Spain in 2006 (Spanish: Da del Orgullo friki, English: "Geek Pride Day") and has since spread around the world via the Internet.

Geek Pride Day was officially launched in the United States in 2008, where many bloggers, eliciting around the launch of the Geek Pride Day website, was commemorated by many bloggers. The Geek Pride Day website was launched in 2008.

Ancient history:

Hardcore geek historians trace their roots to the "freak scene" of the 1960s and 1970s, which was embraced by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention...