Global Cat Day | October 16, 2022
Mon Oct 16th

Global Cat Day

Non-lethal feline initiatives around the world on October 16th raises concerns about non-lethal feline services around the world. At a much faster rate than any other shelter animal, cats, and kittens face euthanization.. However, services such as trap, neuter, and release (TNR) are assisting cats in living full and healthy lives in our communities.


TNR programs are designed to reduce shelters and overall colony populations around the country.. Fertilel and stray cats are trapped in TNR programs, which are trapping feral and stray cats. They are then neutered and vaccinated under the care of a veterinarian. Their ears have been tipped to indicate that they have been neutered. The cat is released back into the neighborhood where they were captured. Then the cat is released back into the neighborhood where they were captured.

Long-term studies across the country reveal that not only does the population decreases, but the cats live out their lives healthier. In addition,, these services save taxpayers money over time.

  • Calls for animal care are reduced in the United States. Calls for animal care are reduced
  • Lessens is the burden on shelters
  • Neighborhoods are becoming quieter as mating activity decreases

Why adoption doesn't always work is because it doesn't always work

Feral cats, which have never had human contact, don't seem to be able to relate well with humans. They will always be feral and unable to be adopted, and will never be able to be adopted. Feral cats prefer the wild. The best chance of living side by side with humans is provided by a TNR program.

Nevertheless, adoption is still a viable option for stray cats and kittens under the age of 12 weeks. If you are looking for a pet of your own, visit your local shelter to learn how to care for your own.

How to celebrate global cat day?

Learn more about TNR services. To help a cause near you, donate or volunteer to help a cause near you. In a humane way, you can help protect and monitor the cat population in your neighborhood. To make a difference, you should post details about TNR services.

To learn more, visit to find out more. To post on social media, use

The global cat day is the first global cat day in history

Alley Cat Allies's National Feral Cat Day, which was established by Alley Cat Allies in 2001, has taken the place of National Feral Cat Day.


My cat's tongue is always sticking out. What is it called?

A. Many cats will have their tongue hanging out throughout their day. or merp. Cat owners refer to this as a derp, blep, herp, or merp. Although in the majority of cases, your cat is likely to be cute, there are instances where it is a sign of an oral disorder. Check with your veterinarian if the behavior is new to be sure there is no disease-causing your feline critter discomfort..

Q. How many domestic cat breeds are there?

A. Different breeds are recognized by various organizations, and the number changes from time to time, so many breeds are recognized and those numbers change from time to time. The number is somewhere between 40 and 80 breeds..

Q. My friend is always making cat puns... How can I make her stop?

A. Yikes! That's gnarly. Nevertheless, it is not a cat-astrophy. Cat puns are a purr-fect way to have some fun. Your friend is just being claw-ver.. You should be proud to know that you are in your life..