Go Caroling Day - December 20
Wed Dec 20th

Go Caroling Day

On December 20th, Tune-up your voice so you can join others on Go Caroling Day! Caroling is the act of performing Christmas songs from door to door as a form of celebration. carol is a joyful song or dance.

The tradition of singing carols has roots in pagan celebrations of the Winter Solstice. Carols were later adopted by the Christian faith to celebrate the nativity in the 4th and 5th centuries but were mainly sung in Latin. Assisi's patron paired the songs with stories (canticles), and the songs were performed in modern languages, and St. Francis of Assisi raised the popularity of singing carols. The Victorian period saw a surge in caroling, and many famous caroling songs that were still performed today were written during this period.

Despite the fact that caroling is no longer popular as it once was, many families, communities, and churches look forward to every year. The following are some of the most popular caroling songs:

  • Here Comes Santa Claus Clause Here Comes Santa Clause
  • Jingle Bells
  • O Christmas Tree
  • Silent Night
  • We Wish You A Merry Christmas. We Wish You A Merry Christmas From Us
  • Joy to the World
  • Let it, Snow!

On Go Caroling Day, gather your best voices and sing your favorite Christmas songs from door to door in your neighborhood.

How to celebrate #gocarolingday on #gogocarolingday.

Go Caroling Day is a simple holiday that spreads joy and cheer. Select 3-4 simpler songs and family members that are in the holiday spirit if you've never been tooled before. While not everyone can play a tune, there will be no one who shares in your enthusiasm. Not everyone can read a song, but it won't matter when you're surrounded by loved ones who share in your enthusiasm. With all the joy in your heart, visit friends and neighbors and sing the songs with all the joy in your heart.. After that, return home for hot chocolate and cookies.. Caroling is a simple way to give back to others. #GoCarolingDay is a hashtag that can be used on social media to announce your event.

Go caroling day is the first caroling day in history

Go Caroling Day first appeared on December 19th in 2001. The day has now migrated closer to the winter solstice and is now observed on December 20th.

Caroling FAQ

Does anyone still sing at Christmastime? Q. Is it true that people still sing at Christmastime? Yes, yes. Though the event is less popular now than in recent years, people still sing from door to door. Carolers are often hired for special occasions and holiday parties like those at Olde Towne Carolers.

If carolers stop at my house, do I have to invite them in? Q.

A. No. A. No. A. No. Nevertheless, showing your gratitude is greatly appreciated. It's up to you whether you give a smile, applause, or a treat before the carolers march on to the next house. To show your appreciation, you can also request a song..

Q. How should we prepare for caroling?

A. First and foremost, dress for the weather. To carol, no particular costume is required, though you can wear festive hats and scarves, as well as festive jackets and scarves.