National Yellow Pig Day | July 17
Mon Jul 17th

National Yellow Pig Day

On July 17th, the unique features of the number 17 and its significance to mathematics are celebrated, as well as its significance to mathematics.


Consider these facts: If you don't believe the number 17 appears in our lives, consider these facts: If you don't believe the number 17 plays any role in our lives.

  • In the realm of prime numbers, the number 17 is a premium number. Add the first four prime numbers together, and 17 is their sum..
  • With passengers inside, the average school bus weighs 17 tons
  • 17 letters stand for each of the following words: Each of the following words has 17 letters:
  • interdisciplinary
  • telecommunication
  • misinterpretation
  • commercialization
  • electrophotometer
  • Chlorine's atomic number is 17
  • Along the Monterey Peninsula in California, Pebble Beach has a road named the 17 Mile Drive. However, the road is only 16.78 miles long
  • The people of the United States Constitution, according to the 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution, were able to elect their senators by popular vote. Senators from Congress will be elected by each state' legislature before the states ratified the amendment on April 8, 1913

The number 17 is a not so random occurrence of the number 17. Have a look! The Yellow Pig!!

How to celebrate national yellow pig day

Round up your yellow pigs by brushing up on your calculus and rounding up your yellow pigs. Try the number 17. Look for the number 17. It's everywhere! And we still have more ideas to help you celebrate: We even have more suggestions to help you celebrate:

  • See how many times you find the number 17 in the newspaper on July 17. See how many times you find the number 17 in the newspaper on July 17
  • Do 17 jumping jacks
  • For 17 people, order a round of drinks (you're the big spender)
  • Eat 17 spoons of Peach Ice Cream
  • Buy 17 lottery tickets
  • A number 17 tattoos get 17 tattoos, out of a total of 17

While you're commemorating, be sure to post using #NationalYellowPigDay on social media.

The national yellow pig day is the first national yellow pig day in history

According to our analysis, National Pig Day dates back to sometime in the early 1960s or earlier. Michael Spivak and David Kelly, two mathematicians, were analyzing the random properties of the number 17 and a mysterious yellow pig's random numbers. According to it, the procedure became oversimple and professional.. Spivak made publications in several mathematics textbooks, and Kelly gave lectures and taught classes about Yellow Pig. Spivak does subtly refer to the number 17 and Yellow Pig when not based on it.