World Listening Day - July 18
Tue Jul 18th

World Listening Day

People are encouraged to listen to nature's sounds every year on July 18th. It's also a day to learn more about field recording.

Listening is an essential part of knowing one another. When trying to figure out the world around us, listening is also vital. Acoustic ecology is a study that explores human and their environment by sound.

Every day, you should probably hear sounds in your natural environment. The rustling of leaves in the wind could be included in these sounds.' A brook's babbling is a brook nearby. The sun rises, birds are singing as the sun rises. Some sounds may be irritating, while others are more soothing. Acoustic ecologists take listening to a whole new level. They have to really listen to the sounds and interpret their meanings. Sounds can change over time, and it may indicate that the climate has changed. If an animal sounds start to disappear, it could be that they are losing their habitat.

Those who record these kinds of sounds participate in a technique called field reporting. Some people who do this sit on the ground listening for hours at a time. They also travel to various parts of the world to record sounds. These environments may include forests, deserts, plains, oceans, and mountains. Field recording is also done in urban areas. Many in cities may be interested in hearing how noise pollution is impacting the climate. Field reporters know that sounds in any environment are trying to convey something. All they need to do is stop and listen.

How to celebrate #worldlisteningday

On this day, artists, scientists, ecologists, ecologists, and others interested in better understanding the world's natural environment host a variety of activities. These include educational seminars, listening parties, and special performances. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Go outside and take time to listen to the sounds of the world around you
  • Learn more about field recording and recording some natural sounds in the outdoors
  • By R. Murray Schafer, read the book "The Tuning of the World." Read the following links.
  • Watch videos about field recording online

#WorldListeningDay is a hashtag that has been used on social media to raise concerns for this day. #WorldListeningDay is a hashtag that has been shared on social media.

History of the world listening day is the subject of a global listening day

In 2008, The World Listening Project (WLP) was established in 2008. The charitable group is dedicated to increasing knowledge of the world and its natural environment by listening and field recording. In 2010, the WLP established World Listening Day. They chose July 18th to honor R. Murray Schafer's birthday.'s birthday is on July 18th. Schafer, a well-known Canadian composer, author, and feminist, is a well-known environmentalist and explorer. He is best known for his acoustic ecology research. The day's themes have included: The day's theme for the day has included:

2021: The Unquiet Earth on the Unquiet Earth. The Unquiet Earth in 2021.

The Collective Field in 2020: The Collective Field in 2020. The Collective Field in 2020: The Collective Field. The Collective Field in 2020.


Future Listening, 2018: Future Listening.

Listening to the Ground, 2017: Listening to the Ground.