National Fragile X Awareness Day | July 22
Sat Jul 22nd

National Fragile X Awareness Day

National Fragile X Awareness Day, which takes place each year on July 22nd, honors those affected by Fragile X syndrome. In addition, the day provides funding for study, education, and awareness.


Fragile X syndrome is the most common cause of inheritable intellectual disability and is a mutation of the FMR1 gene. Although a person has the gene mutation, it affects men more than women, and although a person has the gene mutation, other people do not have any apparent symptoms. Many that do not have signs may have mild or severe symptoms. Physical, educational, and behavioral signs can all appear, and they can differ between males and females. Women tend to have similar but milder signs or none at all.

  • Autism, fear, poor eye contact, sensory disorders, hand-biting or flapping, aggression are all typical symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, autism, autism, hyperactivity, poor eye contact, sensory disorders, hand-biting or flapping
  • ilities are learning disabilities
  • Elongated face and ears, as well as a long neck and ears.
  • Soft skin
  • Large testicles are often found in Macroorchidism or Macroorchidism
  • Ears, feet, joints, and palate are all affected by connective tissue disorders impacting ears, feet, joints, and palate
  • Very social

Testing and therapy are available, but more research is required because there is no cure. The day hopes to advance the quest for a cure by raising awareness... The importance of assisting families and finding a cure is highlighted during National Fragile X Awareness Month to highlight the importance of helping families and finding a cure.

Learn how to celebrate national vulnerable x awareness day by observing national vulnerable x awareness day

Learn more about Fragile X. Here are some ways to support the families affected by Fragile X.

  • Fragile X awareness cards. Families, download and print Fragile X awareness cards
  • Donate to support research.
  • Attend webinars or seminars about Fragile X. X. X
  • On social media, the host of an event is announced..
  • A fund raiser can help organize a fundraiser
  • Join a support group.
  • Please share your experiences
  • Add a frame to your social media profile. Add a frame to your social media profile

If you're participating, be sure to post #FragileXAwarenessDay on social media.

It's been a national fragile x awareness day for the first time in history

In 2000, the United States Senate passed a bill naming July 22nd National Fragile X Awareness Day. The United States House passed a resolution in favor of the day's day in the following year. Both resolutions urged the day to pass. h around the world and the world to join the quest for a cure. The National Institutes of Health, the CDC, and researchers from around the country and the world are among the organizations working to find a cure.