Thu Jan 26th

National Spouses Day

Each year, National Spouses Day, on January 26th, honors the friendship between two people and sets aside time for couples to express appreciation to each other.

The observance reminds us to take time for our mate, who is dedicated to recognizing spouses around the world.. There are several reasons to celebrate, from being grateful for the fulfillment and stability of a long-term marriage to a boost in morale and well-being provided by spouses. This day is a chance to remind your spouse that you care and appreciate all of the things he or she does for you and the family.

Click play and enjoy a story about National Spouses Day starring our founder, Marlo Anderson. Click play and enjoy a video about National Spouses Day. If you like the 2-minute show, make sure you're subscribed to your new podcast player.

Our lives are full, and we can often take for granted how our spouses' lives.. To the love of your life, give a heartfelt thank you or compliment. Spend time together and reconnect since the day is a non-gift giving day.. "I love you," Don't forget to say.

How to celebrate #nationalspousesday..

Now is your chance to express admiration to the one with whom you are married if it has been a while. This day is not about giving gifts, but rather spending time together, enjoying each other, and appreciating each other. On social media, use the hashtag #NationalSpousesDay to post.

Spouses FAQ

Is there any other spouse-related holidays on the calendar?

Yes, several days on the calendar recognize spouses. Check these out: Check these out: Check these out:

  • The day of Gold Star Spouses Day is Gold Star Spouses Day in the United States.
  • On Appreciation Day, the Military Spouse Appreciation Day is celebrated
  • Ex-Spouse Day
  • Wife Appreciation Day is a holiday in the United States

Q. Do I give Spouses Day a gift?

A. No. A. No. A. No. expressing your love for your spouse without giving gifts is the day. Here are some ways you can do it: Here are a few ways you can do it.

  • Compliment your spouse on something. It could be their appearance, cooking, patience, or artistic ability
  • You should post a memory of your spouse that you often think about
  • Spend time together. Play a game, eat dinner together, take a look at the photo albums, put a puzzle together, and take a walk