Respect for Parents Day | August 1
Tue Aug 1st

Respect For Parents Day

Respect for Parents Day, which takes place on August 1st, acknowledges the leadership roles parents play in not only a child's life but also in our communities.


Parents provide their children with the first expression of love and a sense of stability.. Parents and fosterers, parents, create a foundation for leading and teaching children to be responsible. Each parent provides a form of communication as well as a way of making decisions and correcting mistakes.

A parent's involvement in the neighborhood is also vital...

Respect for Parents Day was born in an attempt to "make our families become united and strong by recognizing the leadership roles that parents play and restoring the reverence for parents that was lacking in the past." These are the words of Marilyn Dalrymple of Lancaster, CA, as she created the day, which is observed on August 1st.

This day was launched as a reminder that parents are entitled and expect respect, and for all to consider the place that parents have in society... This isn't limited to children only. Many that wield power over families must also respect the parent.

Parents Day is a holiday that comes with the recognition of parents

How can you show respect for your parents? Consider these options on August 1: If it isn't something you worry about much, consider these options: If it isn't something you're worried about much.

  • Call your parents and ask them about their day
  • Each week, schedule time with your parents to do something they love doing.
  • Tell your parents how much you love everything they've accomplished
  • Ask their opinion. Even if you don't follow their recommendations, at least consider their viewpoint
  • If your parents are older, please help them with chores around the house, especially the heavy-duty ones
  • Listen to their wants and needs. You'll learn something you may not have known before. If you do, you'll learn something you may not have known about before
  • Give them a token of your love and admiration.. If you've been listening to them, you may even surprise them with something they've been craving for a while
  • While you may disagree with them, consider their viewpoint. They may disagree with them. Their environment, both good and bad, influence our parents' choices and influence their choices
  • Give your parents some credit for their successes. Instilling in them love, care, and lessons will help them to have a sense of pride in their children
  • They are grateful to Cook for them. When someone else cooks for them, it's their turn to take a break and enjoy a relaxing chat

#RespectForParentsDay is a hashtag on social media, and we encourage others to participate.

Parents day is a day of honor for parents day

Respect For Parents Day, which is celebrated annually on August 1st, is created by Marilyn Dalrymple of Lancaster, C A. You can also sign Mrs. Dalrymple's proclamation.