International Overdose Awareness Day - August 31
Thu Aug 31st

International Overdose Awareness Day

On August 31st, International Overdose Awareness Day focuses on reducing the number of deaths caused by overdose and ending the stigma associated with it. ''s'

In addition to death, opioid overdoses can cause permanent damage.. Both of these scenarios have devastated family members and relatives of those who have been affected by an overdose. This observance is intended to assist people in dealing with the pain and grief that accompanys overdoses. The cause of this observance is unknown. Also on this day, another important message is to explain how overdoses are completely avoidable.

Overdose-related deaths continue to rise. In 2017, more than 70,000 Americans died as a result of a heroin overdose. This number is more than the number of Americans who died in the Vietnam War in total. Both illicit drugs and prescription opioids were mixed in these drugs.

According to statistics, 27% of the world's drug overdose deaths occur in the United States. Scotland had the most overdoses resulting in death in 2019 in Scotland over the United States. Overall, the number of deaths due to overdose in the United States continues to rise. Around 450,000 people die as a result of a drug overdose around the world. Effective drugs for opioid dependence are also available. However, only about 10% of people who need the medication are receiving it.

Education is another day's focus. The education is another area of concern. They may be able to save a life by empowering the public with the tools to avoid overdose. They must first understand the signs of an overdose before beginning to act. The signs include:: The symptoms include::

  • Unstable vital signs
  • Sleepiness
  • Confusion
  • Skin that is either cool and sweaty or hot and dry can be either hot and sweaty or dry and dry
  • Convulsions
  • Vomiting

If any of these signs are present, seek medical attention right away.

How to celebrate #overdoseawarenessday on a daily basis

On International Overdose Awareness Day, community health organizations, physicians, and policy makers plan a variety of activities.. These activities include outreach drives, conferences, and workshops. These activities are held to inform the general population about the increasing epidemic of overdose. During several of these activities, there is often advice on how to celebrate heroin use and overdose.

If you want to compete, you will be able to wear a silver badge or purple wristband. You may also attend an International Overdose Awareness Day in your neighborhood. Donate to an organization that helps the public be aware of opioid overdose prevention and education. The Drug Policy Alliance, one such group in the United States, is the Drug Policy Alliance, one of many groups in the United States.

To post on social media, you can also use #InternationalOverdoseAwarenessDay..

The international overdose awareness day is the first in history.

Sally J. Finn and Peter Streker established International Overdose Awareness Day in 2001. They honored those who died as a result of an overdose and those who were affected by heroin use at the time, as well as those who have been affected by heroin use. In 2012, the Penington Institute in Australia took over the day's operations. Events are held in many countries around the world and in most states in the United States, including in the United States.