Tue Jan 31st

Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

Art Day, Incline Your Heart With Art Day, encourages us to consider how art affects our hearts. We'll all remember on January 31st. Art is coveted and admired for a variety of reasons.

We have been with us for a lifetime as a result of the diverse range of art created in the world, the works that bring us to tears or cause us to burst out in joyful laughter are among the many that have remained with us for a lifetime. Art can change us or see into an artist's soul through their work, and it can inspire our hearts.

The day encourages us to explore the many branches of art and inspire us. teaches you how to celebrate #inspireyourheartwithartday.artdaycom

  • Visit an art gallery on view
  • Attend a live theatre performance..
  • Read a good book
  • Listen to music
  • Attend a ballet performance
  • Start your masterpiece
  • Teach someone how to play an instrument
  • Attend an art lecture..
  • Try a new approach
  • See an inspirational film
  • Share your artwork with others..
  • On social media, use the hashtag #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay to post