National Be Late for Something Day | September 5
Tue Sep 5th

National Be Late For Something Day

We are allowed to not adhere to our schedules on September 5th, National Be Late for Something Day. As you have an excuse, go ahead and sleep in a little bit today.


The holiday is intended to highlight procrastination's positive aspects. For example, those who place more emphasis on spending quality time with clients and families than being punctual are less likely to be delayed overall.

It certainly could be difficult for some of us to do as we are taught to be punctual at all times. We're also taught to obey rules and follow guidelines and schedules. The desire to be here and be there in today's crowded schedules has pushed us to keep the clock.

The observance encourages us to change the clock for the day. Not only that, but also to compensate those who don't live by the clock. Consider those people you know who are always late. Do they appear to be tense due to their lateness? Is it normal for them to ignore it to your new annoyance? Try their light-hearted approach to time.

Another day of the week takes a look at missed opportunities. Is it really too late to send the birthday card in the mail? We often look at chores with a skeptical eye. However, getting started on them is never too late. We know, those we've already put off. We've already put off. It could be fine to be postponed if we're working on a pile of laundry.

How to prevent being late for something day's

How many times have you been on the way to an appointment and a stunning scene unfolded before you? In the wind, this observance encourages you to stop and watch the sunrise, a group of deer frolicking in a field, or a sway of grain swaying in the wind. If these opportunities arise, we should take the time to enjoy them. It's a procrastination that demands it.

For just a moment, stop and smell the roses. For a little while, it's been sluggish.. The procrastination will be well worth it whether you like the scenery or take a few minutes longer for lunch. Play with your children while visiting with a friend.. Be late for something due to it!! It will be fine. Be sure to warn others on social media about being late for something. As you spread the word, use #NationalBelateForSomethingDay.

For something day history, the national be late for something day

Les Waas' Procrastinators' Club of America was founded in 1956 by Les Waas. The committee designated September 5th as Be Late for Something Day, shortly after the club's inception.

Late FAQ

Q. What does it mean to be fashionably late?

A. Person who arrives 10-15 minutes after the event's scheduled time is fashionably late. A. According to the word, the individual is both active and important enough that their late arrival is acceptable. Since most visitors arrived at the scheduled time, arriving fashionably later puts the spotlight on the late arrival.

Q. When is arriving late?

A. Arriving late is more acceptable when the event's time is casual. "About 6 o'clock," the invitation said, "about 6 o'clock," arriving at 6:15 is acceptable. Nevertheless, arriving late to meetings, performances, physician appointments, or even work is frowned upon.

Q. What is the best way to be punctual?

A. Some people are born to be punctual. They tend to dislike being late for activities. Punctual people do several things to avoid being late, such as: Punctual people do several things to prevent being late, such as: Punctual people do several things to prevent being late, such as: Punctual people do several things to prevent being late.

  • Adding events to the calendar – lateness is often due to forgetfulness. From time to time, even the most organized person forgets stuff. However, adding events to a digital calendar and monitoring it often reduces lateness..
  • Punctual people often set reminders on their digital calendars to keep them on track. Setting reminders – Punctual people often set reminders to keep them on track
  • Leave early – If you think it will take ten minutes to get where you are going, leave 20 minutes earlier to help keep on schedule. Make a shopping list if you arrive early. If you arrive early, use the extra time to complete a task on your phone, fill up with gas, or make a shopping list