Report Medicare Fraud Day | September 12
Tue Sep 12th

National Report Medicare Fraud Day

The National Report Medicare Fraud Day, which falls on September 12th, is the National Report Medicare Fraud Day. We're all affected by Medicare scams. Ten percent of all Medicare funds are lost due to fraud. Medicare spends $650 billion a year on Medicare, and Medicare fraud loses $65 billion a year to Medicare scams. No wonder we have a national health care crisis!


We can report Medicare fraud in two specific ways, and each one has very different results. According to 15% to 25% of the amount DOJ recovers, one of the ways to blow the whistle under the Department of Justice (DOJ) reward program, which pays 15% to 25% of the amount DOJ recovers. The average DOJ award for reporting Medicare fraud is $690,000. Some awards have been as high as $150 million!

Also, if you report fraud under the DOJ program, the government must open an investigation and notify you of the findings. Over three-fourths of the government's Medicare fraud lawsuits are DOJ whistleblower reward cases, according to today. Therefore, the government is counting on whistleblowers to submit Medicare fraud cases to DOJ and receive a certificate for their efforts.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which administers Medicare, is the other way to report fraud directly. (CMS) is the Medicare program's administrator. Fraud can be reported to CMS either on its website or by calling its hotline.

The National Report Medicare Fraud Day not only alerts the amount of Medicare scams being perpetrated, but it also provides the public with concrete instructions for reporting it.

How to celebrate report medicare fraud day on report medicare fraud day

Fraud Medicare claims must be put an end to fraudulent Medicare claims! Become a member of the solution. ( Visiting the website ( is the most useful). You can also download a free e-book with step-by-step instructions for reporting Medicare fraud... It is your one stop shop for all you need to hear about reporting Medicare fraud.

On social media, you can post and track this day using #ReportMedicareFraudDay.

The national report medicare fraud day in history is the first national report medicare fraud day

National Report Medicare Fraud Day was established in 2017. Hesch Firm, LLC founded National Report Medicare Fraud Day in 2017. After founding attorney Joel D. Hesch spent more than 15 years in DOJ's whistleblower compensation office, the day came to be. Mr. Hesch now exclusively represents whistleblowers around the country in seeking compensation for reporting fraud.

He wrote a free ebook and created a website to ensure that the public knows how to properly report Medicare fraud and follow the steps required to be eligible for a reward. Visit the website