Dear Diary Day | September 22
Fri Sep 22nd

Dear Diary Day

We honor you on September 22nd each year, Dear Diary, for the way you help us to record our lives. Write an additional post on Dear Diary Day for an extra entry. Start one for those that don't keep a diary.


According to studies, writing our thoughts in a journal also known as journaling, has shown that writing our thoughts every day reduces anxiety and stress. In addition, it expands our vocabulary and language skills.

We organise our thoughts and create strategies for dealing with our everyday struggles by writing our stressors out on paper or tapping them out on the computer. We place our attention on resolving problems and meeting goals through long-term journaling and diary-keeping. Memories are among the many benefits that a diary can provide over time. Our successes are on display, and we can learn from our mistakes.

But diaries aren't just for reducing anxiety. They provide us with a glimpse into how we change and remind us of events long forgotten. In addition, diaries serve as a guide to future generations. While many people may think of diaries as a place to hold precious information, they also provide an insight into how life has changed from one generation to another. They serve as a reminder of ways long forgotten, words no longer in use, or attitudes that were once acceptable.

How to manage your precious diary day

Write a special entry in your diary and take a look back... See how your diary has grown. See how your diary has grown. Consider starting one if you have one. Find out famous people's diaries. To post on social media, post your favorite entry and use #DearDiaryDay to post...

History of the dear diary day has a rich past.

Dear Diary Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of

Diary FAQ

Q. What types of diaries do people have?

A. There are several diaries that people keep. A. Weather diary is used by many people to keep track of weather changes from year to year. The person's location – their home – is usually specific to the diary's location. A garden diary is a similar diary to a journal. People record the plants they grow in this type of diary.. They will keep track of when they plant, when a species blooms, insects are found, when they fertilize, harvest, and how plants respond to various types of weather.

People also keep food, work, pregnancy, travel, idea, passion, fitness, art, and writing diaries.

Q. Is it important to write every day when keeping a diary?

A. Depending on the type of diary you're keeping, writing in it every day is often necessary. A. Some diaries are used to track changes in health or allergic reactions to food. Writing down everything you eat in this type of diary and your body's reaction to it helps you and your doctor determine if something is causing allergies or other adverse reactions.

When traveling to new destinations and meeting new people, writing in a travel diary can only occur. Many that keep dream diaries will usually only write when they have a dream.