National Tune-Up Day | September 25
Mon Sep 25th

National Tune-up Day

Homeowners are encouraged to plan for the winter heating season by National Tune-Up Day on September 25th.


homeowners should tune up their heating systems every year in anticipation of seasonal shifts, according to heating and cooling specialists. These tune-ups are designed to ensure that the devices are operating as efficiently as possible.

The heating system tune-up includes::

  • Dust and dirt are removed from your vents, removing dust and dirt
  • Checking to make sure all your vents are not blocked or leaky
  • Ensuring your fuel jets are operating properly is important

In addition, combustion gases should be analyzed and compared to your furnace's specifications. The blower access door must be checked to ensure a tight seal at the furnace. Also important inspections include testing fresh air intake grills for blockage and fire for proper ignition and flame. Also check the drainage system for blockage and leakage when examining the furnace... Drains and traps must also be tested. The blower wheel, motor, wiring, and all filters should also be tested for corrosion and damage. Heating contractors complete their furnace tune-up with a lengthy checklist.

A heating system tune-up saves electricity and saves heating costs by lowering heating bills.

How to plan national tune-up day..

Enjoy a cozy winter. Tune up your heating system. In addition, you should thank the technicians who provide outstanding service. To post on social media, post your findings and use #NationalTuneUpDay to share your stories..

National tune-up day is the longest national tune-up day in history

In 2014, HomeServe USA founded National Tune-Up Day. In 2014, HomeServe USA established National Tune-Up Day. They're a leading provider of home emergency repair service plans.