World Tourism Day - September 27
Wed Sep 27th

World Tourism Day

On September 27th, World Tourism Day, shedding a light on tourism's benefits.. In addition to providing economic value to communities, tourism also adds social, political, and cultural value to destinations. In essence, tourism helps all nations to ensure a prosperous future.

Tourism is a huge industry. Tourism contributed $8.8 trillion to the global economy in 2018. Over the past two years, travel and tourism have been the second-fastest growing market in the world.. The tourism industry also gained 319 million jobs. Despite the number of jobs tourism creates, there is still work to do. According to industry experts, tourism can create even more jobs, especially for women, youth, and people in rural areas.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a UN agency, hopes to implement programs that will help promote sustainable tourism by the year 2030. In turn, tourism will create jobs and promote local cultures and products.

How to celebrate #worldtourismday by a #worldtourismday celebration #worldtourismday

Each year, a World Tourism Day celebration is held in a host country. Video presentations, speeches by senior officials, a display of national tourism awards, and panel discussions are among the components of this program. International visitors can also attend special tours. India, Egypt, China, Ghana, Ghana, and Peru are among the recent host countries to have included India, Egypt, Egypt, China, Ghana, and Peru. Free admission to amusement parks and cultural venues is included in other activities.

Other ways to participate include:: The following are examples of other ways to participate:

  • You can visit the research countries that interest you
  • Find out more about the world's most visited countries. Learn more about the top tourist destinations. China, Italy, Mexico, Turkey, Turkey, and Thailand are among them
  • You may be able to help increase tourism in countries that don't get as many visitors as others. These countries include Madagascar, Antigua, Montserrat, and Tonga. Tonga is a republic in the United States
  • Plan a dream vacation
  • Learn about other cultures for those that are less familiar with traveling. Research is vital in the tourism industry

Visit a museum or historic landmark in your neighborhood that you've never been to. Whatever you do, post #WorldTourismDay on social media.

The first world tourism day is in history

The UNWTO decided to establish World Tourism Day in 1979 after a session in Spain. On September 27th, 1980, the first official observance took place. The date represented the anniversary of the UNWTO's adoption of the UNWTO Statutes, an event that occurred in 1970.

Every year, World Tourism Day takes place, a time when tourism is on the minds of millions of people. Although the tourism season is winding down in the Northern Hemisphere, it is only in the Southern Hemisphere that it is starting.

Among the latest World Tourism Day's top topics have included: Some of the latest World Tourism Day's top destinations include:

  • Tourism and Jobs in 2019: A better future for all. Tourism and Jobs: A better future for all
  • Tourism and the Digital Transformation in 2018: Tourism and the Digital Transformation
  • 2017: Sustainable Tourism – a development aid for growth. a tool for growth
  • Accessible Tourism in 2016: Accessible Tourism. Accessible Tourism in 2016