World Heart Day - September 29
Fri Sep 29th

World Heart Day

Every year, World Heart Day on September 29th aims to raise the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as how to prevent it.

Heart disease is the world's most common cause of death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 18 million people die each year from heart-related diseases. About 85% of these deaths are due to heart attack and stroke..

Blockage blocks blood from flowing to the brain or heart, causing heart attacks and strokes. fatty deposits in the blood vessels are one of the most common types of blockage. The following risk factors may increase the likelihood of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.

  • Tobacco use
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • Hypertension
  • Alcoholic use of alcohol is a dangerous use of alcohol

In several cases, a combination of these risk factors is present in stroke and heart attack victims.

Heart-related deaths in low and middle-income countries account for three-quarters. People in these countries have less access to early detection and integrated health services. Global leaders pledged to reducing mortality from non-communicable diseases by 25% by 2025.. Cardiovascular diseases are also present.

#worldheartday is a worldwide phenomenon that affects people around the world

Several events around the world are held each year to commemorate World Heart Day. These include: These include:: These activities include::

  • Heart runs and walks
  • Concerts
  • Fund-raising and sporting events have been held in conjunction with fund-raising and sporting activities
  • Free heart health checks are performed by free heart health checks

People are encouraged to wear red. On this day, many of the world's most prominent landmarks and buildings will be lit in the red. Hundreds of Heart Heroes have been honored by the World Heart Federation (WHF). These Heart Heroes are cardiologists and researchers who have made cardiovascular research breakthroughs. Other Heart Heroes include everyday people who have survived heart attacks and promised to take better care of themselves. Susan Lucci, actress and heart disease survivor who survived Susan Lucci, is one of the most popular Heart Heroes.

There are so many ways to participate in this international health day. Start by choosing to take good care of your heart. Do you smoke? Does it smoke? Well, maybe it's time to move on. Is it important to exercise regularly and eat healthily? Today is a good day to start.. If your clinic provides it, take advantage of a free heart health check. If you are an employer, reward your employees for participating in heart-healthy activities.

Become involved in a heart walk or other fund-raising activity.. Support the World Heart Federation or a local group that promotes healthy hearts. Whatever you do, be sure to post #WorldHeartDay on social media.

History of the world heart day has long been debated by history

In 1999, the world Heart Day was established by WHF and WHO.. On September 24th, 2000, the first official celebration took place. On the last Sunday of September, World Heart Day was first observed. World Heart Day was held on September 29th in 2011.

Antoni Bayés de Luna, the president of WHF from 1997 to 1999, has been credited with inventing the concept of World Heart Day. World Heart Day is celebrated in more than 90 countries. More than 90 countries participate in World Heart Day. This day has become the biggest global awareness raising effort for cardiovascular health.