National Chewing Gum Day | September 30
Sat Sep 30th

National Chewing Gum Day

On September 30th, National Chewing Gum Day exercises our jaws... With your new piece of chewing gum, you can pop a bubble or freshen your breath.


For over 5,000 years, humans have used chewing gum.. They may have chewed it for pleasure, to avoid hunger, or to freshen their breath in the same way we do today. The sources used to make gum resulted in minty and sweet chewable globs of wax or sap resin that satisfied the human urge to gnaw... They were unlikely to produce glossy, pink bubbles worthy of siblings' jealousy. However, it was still a possibility that getting up with it stuck in your hair.

Various forms of chewing gum have existed since the Neolithic period. In 2007, a British archaeology undergraduate discovered a 5,000-year-old piece of chewing gum made from bark tar with tooth imprints in it. The find took place in Kierikki, Yli-li, Finland, and is thought to be the oldest piece of chewing gum. Scientists expected the gum to have antiseptic properties and other medicinal benefits as a result of its bark tar manufacturing process.

  • Gum made from the resin of the mastic tree's resin, available in plants, grasses, and other resins
  • John B. Curtis, a native of Maine, produced and sold the first commercial chewing gum in 1848, which was dubbed "The State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum"
  • invented around 1850, a paraffin wax gum was introduced, surpassing spruce gum in popularity
  • William Semple, 1869, filed an early patent on chewing gum, patent number 98,304
  • According to studies, chewing gum can help improve memory, reduce anxiety, and boost alertness
  • Chewing sugar-free gum improves overall oral hygiene while still helping to curb cravings and improving digestion, as well as improving digestion

How to celebrate chewing gum day on a day

By purchasing a pack of your new flavor of chewing gum, you can commemorate the day. Share a piece with your friends.. You may also have a bubble-blowing competition. Just be sure not to get it in your hair when it pops!

  • Memories of bubble gum sharing. Message bubble gum memories. Whether it's from days gone by or more recent events, retell the tale for all to hear
  • Discover the world's best bubble gum ever discovered
  • Make a video of your best bubble
  • Try some bubble gum ice cream next time
  • Find the best ice cream scooping instructions for getting ice cream out of your hair, furniture, or carpet
  • Examine under your desk to see if any gruesome pieces from your predecessors' archives remain
  • Pick up bubble gum flavored something. Pick up bubble gum flavored something. For example, chapstick, candy, or frosting What other things come in bubble gum flavor or scent?

To post on social media, use the hashtag #ChewingGumDay..

Chewing gum FAQ

Q. Is chewing gum beneficial? Q. Is there anything to chewing gum?

A. There are a few benefits to chewing gum. If it's sugar-free gum, the benefits really start to add up.

  • The increased flow of saliva after a meal may help remove acids produced by bacteria when breaking down food. This helps with plaque buildup
  • Chewing gum can help with dry mouth symptoms.
  • When cravings set in, reach for a piece of chewing gum. The act of chewing may help keep cravings at bay and, in turn, reduce caloric intake
  • Any of the sugar-free gum flavors may help to reduce nausea. Ginger or mint flavors are more likely to calm an upset stomach. In mint and ginger teas, the benefits can also be found
  • Chewing gum can help with certain types of memory.. Stick of gum will help you test or recall how to prepare Grandma's meatloaf. However, studies have yet to show that short-term memory has improved. Fortunately, short-term memory has yet to improve

Q. What are the adverse effects of chewing gum?

A. Chewing gum for too long may strain the jaw and neck muscles. Gum sweetened with sugar can raise the risk of cavities. Chewing gum can also be unappealing on sight. Rather than a piece of gum, try a breath mint before going to an interview.