National Plus Size Appreciation Day | October 6
Fri Oct 6th

National Plus Size Appreciation Day

On October 6, National Plus Size Appreciation Day honors the beautiful men and women who may be larger than life in so many ways. All size boxes are available for Extraordinary beauty.


Stereotypes could fill this page to describe plus-size men and women, but we'll have to remember that more than half of the population of the United States is plus-sized. Large and tall, full-bodied, and robust people fill positions that necessitate well-rounded and amply trained individuals. Some retailers have yet to appreciate with this talent pool's buying power.

The award honors our plus-size population's talent and refinement. Put your best self forward when it comes to being taller, taller, or curvier. Show your style, flair, and gorgeous self!

How to mark plus size appreciation day on the plus size appreciation day

How we look affects our daily lives, regardless of our age. How we feel about our appearance influences our daily lives. Consider whether you are plus or not, consider the importance you place on your outward appearance, your contributions to others' lives, and relationships. On this day, build confidence in yourself and others. Celebrate accomplishments while still honoring one another.

Participation in other ways is also possible: Here are some other ways to participate:

  • Wear the latest style. We can step out with confidence in the world with clothes that fit and are fashionable
  • Consider expanding your plus-size pick. Listen to your clientele and suggest the look and style they like.
  • Show off your new look. Share your favorite look. Don't be afraid to brag
  • If you're all dressed up, go out on the town

To post on social media, use #PlusSizeAppreciationDay...

The national plus size appreciation day has been a tradition in the United States for the first time in history

Women and men around the world are encouraged to have confidence on National Plus Size Appreciation Day to lift the spirits of many women and men around the world. We Rock INC, a nonprofit founded in 2016, are on a journey of self-love despite society's misguided image of how we should look.