National Savings Day | October 12
Thu Oct 12th

National Savings Day

National Savings Day sets aside October 12th to honor those who value saving and giving simple steps to get started, which isn't as difficult as it seems.


Many of us already save every day. For a long time, we've been doing it. We collect sentimental items because they mean a lot to us and evoke emotion. These objects are available in a variety of shapes. For those, it may be a baseball glove that reminds you of playing catch with your dad. An engagement ring passed down from generation to generation can be saved by another individual. Some people save boxes full of t-shirts commemorating years of concerts.

We save a lot of things for lengthy stretches of time, and they add up quickly.

It's not that far of a stretch to apply this method to a portion of our paycheck every month.. Consider whether or not the sock basket is included in the savings account. Only if a savings account is overflowing, you will not be so upset.

How to celebrate national savings day

If you don't already have one, open a savings account if you don't already have one. Every week, save a portion of your paycheck. For your account to be automatically deposited, set it up with your account. You'll never miss it. You'll have a part saved up before you know it. Setting goals helps, too.. Share your money saving tips. For more ways to save, visit with a savings specialist to learn more..

On social media, use #NationalSavingsDay to be a part of the discussion.

The national savings day is the longest in national savings day history

Capital One created National Savings Day to educate people on how saving money can be a simple, straightforward process that fits more naturally into their lives and existing habits.

Savings FAQ

How can i begin tracking my spending? q how can i begin tracking my spending?

A. Tracking your spending helps you see where all your money is going. By the end of one month, you'll have a good idea of what spending needs to be cut to start saving. There are several ways to monitor your spending, which will help you to better manage your money.

  1. Use an app. Any banks have a built-in app that will track every transaction made with your debit or credit card. Each purchase is placed into a category, and you can see where the majority of your money goes.

  2. Write it all down. Keep an eye on every purchase in a notebook. You can track your monthly bills, groceries, and gas. Don't forget your miscellaneous purchases.

    1. Use cash instead. Divide your income into spending categories to break down your expenses. With each expense and position the appropriate (estimated for certain expenditures) amount of cash into each envelope, label envelopes are issued. It's gone when the money is removed from the envelope. It's a great way to figure out where you've been overspending.
  3. Using a spreadsheet, you can estimate a budget. In a debit/credit spreadsheet, you track your income and expenditures as well as the envelopes. Each column has been assigned a budget category. Don't forget to include a savings column in your budget column.

Q how can i start saving money?

If you save $10 or $100 a month, those savings add up over time. To get started, try these saving tips.

  1. Open a new one if you don't have a savings account. Several banks now have auto-transfer options between checking and saving accounts. On paydays, schedule an automatic transfer from checking to your savings account. It's likely that then forget about it. Your savings account will grow faster than you expected.

  2. Automatic subscriptions can be found in your bank account. You may be paying for services you don't even use anymore. Cancel is a subscription service that charges Cancel's subscriptions and each month, place the cost of those that have cancelled subscriptions into a savings account.

3. Reduce your energy consumptions by reducing your energy bills

Whether you leave the windows open longer in the spring before allowing the AC to kick in or keeping the thermostat set a degree or two lower during the winter, you'll find the savings in your next energy bill. Here are some other ways to save money on electricity::: Here are some other ways to save money on energy.

  • Make one trip. Make a list for shopping and get it all done at once. Save on gas by saving on gas
  • Seal holes around doors and windows. If you can afford it, consider replacing old leaky windows, too
  • When not in use, turn off lights, fans, and electronics... Some of them can even be unplugged to reduce usage
  • LED light bulbs are used in the switch to LED light bulbs. They are more energy-efficient and are more eco friendly
  1. If you don't pay your card off every month, don't use credit cards to pay your bills. Credit cards are often used to pay your bills. Over time, the interest increases, and it will cost you multiple times what the product you bought was worth.

  2. Eat out less. Cook more. Cooking at home is a lot less expensive than dining out. At least half of the trips are reduced by at least half. And if you only eat out once a week, reducing it to twice a month will still save you money.

  3. The switch phone numbers are not available. If you own your cell phone and your deal is about to end, today's phones can be moved to any location. Shop around for the best price, as well as pre-paid services.