World Thrombosis Day - October 13
Fri Oct 13th

World Thrombosis Day

World Thrombosis Day, October 13th, brings attention to the largely ignored medical condition of thrombosis. It's also a day for those affected by thrombosis to share their stories.

ch is a medical disorder in which blood clots block the blood vessels, is a medical disorder in which blood clots block the blood vessels. Venous thrombosis and arterial thrombosis are two of the two forms of thrombosis. When the blood clot blocks a vein, a thrombosis is common. It is called arterial thrombosis when the blood clot blocks an artery.

thrombosis kills up to 900,000 people each year in the United States alone. Those people with venous thrombosis will have lifelong problems. Among these include swelling, pain, and discoloration of the skin. s up to 100,000 people in the United States each year. 1 in 4 people dies from thrombosis-related diseases worldwide, on a global basis.

) is one of the most common thrombosis disorders. Among the most common causes of DVT are::

  • Sitting for lengthy stretches of time
  • A long hospital stay can prolong bed rest, such as a long hospital stay
  • Injury to the veins
  • Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy?
  • Being overweight

DVT is also a risk among people over the age of 60, pregnant women, and those who smoke are at an elevated risk of developing DVT. It's also possible to have thrombosis without any risk factors present. Pain or swelling, discolored skin, and a feeling of warmth are all typical signs of thrombosis in the affected leg.

Those with any kind of thrombosis usually include blood-thinning drugs. To widen the blood vessels, catheters can also be placed inside.. The key to preventing thrombosis are exercise, losing weight, quitting smoking, traveling on long trips, and addressing other health problems.

How to celebrate #worldthrombosisday..

This day, healthcare professionals and campaign partners in 110 countries host a variety of activities. Live webinars, informational seminars, special guests, and a design competition are among these activities that include live webinars, informational seminars, special speakers, and a design competition. There are also interviews with thrombosis survivors and medical professionals. Visitors to Thrombosis are encouraged to upload a selfie to the World Thrombosis Day website. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Find out more about thrombosis and ask your doctor what the risks are for you
  • Hilary Clinton, Serena Williams, and James Stewart are among the many thrombosis survivors who have written about Hilary Clinton, Serena Williams, and James Stewart
  • If you're a thrombosis survivor, please share your story with others

#WorldThrombosisDay is a worldwide celebration that takes place on social media.

The thrombosis day in history has been celebrated in the United Kingdom for the first time in history

In 2014, the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) founded World Thrombosis Day. They chose October 13th as a way to honor Rudolf Virchow's birthday. ophysiology pioneer Dr. Virchow. The German physician and pathologist introduced the idea of thrombosis and gave an advanced knowledge of the condition.