International Gin and Tonic Day | October 19
Thu Oct 19th

International Gin And Tonic Day

International Gin and Tonic Day, on October 19th, honors one of the world's most popular drinks. This basic cocktail takes just moments to make and is loved around the world.


The gin and tonic are a simple cocktail. It's particularly popular in the United Kingdom. When the British East India Company ruled India, the drink was introduced in India. In India, Scottish doctor George Cleghorn used quinine to treat malaria.. Quinine is a flavor component of tonic water.. The quinine had a bitter taste... Sugar, lime, and gin were eventually added to the quinine to make it taste better.

Today's Tonic water is made with much less quinine. It is no longer used to treat malaria. The drink is one of the most popular British cocktails. The drink is a fruity British drink. Many people around the world also love the refreshing drink.

How to celebrate international gin and tonic day

Every year on International Gin and Tonic Day, a virtual gin and tonic party is held. Tonic users are encouraged to post a snapshot of their gin and tonic. In recent years, gin and tonic enthusiasts from 22 nations attended the virtual event. Also, bars, pubs, and liquor establishments around the world are serving drink specials on gin and tonics on this day.

To celebrate International Gin and Tonic Day, make yourself one of these delectable drinks. For all your family and friends, make gin and tonics. Have your own gin and tonic party. Tonic party is the best. Here's a great recipe to try if you're not sure how to make one.


4 ice cubes

2 ounces of gin

4 ounces tonic water

1 T. fresh lime juice was used in 1 T. fresh lime juice by 1 T.

1 lime wedge

Place ice cubes in a glass. Pour gin, tonic water, and lime juice over the ice. Stir well. Garnish with the lime wedge and serve. Served.

Post a snapshot on social media after making your own gin and tonic. Use #InternationalGinAndTonicDay or #InternationalGTDay to identify your post. Share your message by using #InternationalGinAndTonicDay or #InternationalGTDay.

History of the international gin and tonic day has spanned history.

Mary Edith Keyburn's family and friends established International Gin and Tonic Day in her honor in 2010. She died on October 19, 2010, at the age of 95, with a gin and tonic at her side. She died on October 19, 2010. Mary Edith's most popular drink had been smuggled into her hospital room in a water bottle and served in a teacup.