Fri Oct 20th

World Statistics Day

On October 20th, the World Statistics Day is held every five years. The day honors the accomplishments of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics's Fundamental Principles.

Statistics involves the collection, analyzing, and interpreting large amounts of numerical data. Statistics are extremely important. New discoveries are made in this field of mathematics. It helps companies produce safer products. Pharmacists develop more effective drugs when using statistics. Meteorologists rely on statistics to be accurate when predicting the weather. Statistics help investors make better financial decisions.

Statistical study and statistics are invaluable to virtually every industry in the world. Individuals also use statistics for a variety of reasons. Statistics help to prove facts and make informed decisions. Statistics, in addition, play a vital role in determining trends and finding patterns.

Statistics are deserving of a celebration for all these reasons.

How to celebrate #worldstatisticsday. www.worldstatisticsdaycom

Over 100 countries observe World Statistics Day. On this day, the global statistical community showcases the accomplishments and continuing research in this field. Statistics are published by a variety of industries.

Consider how often you use statistics during the day. Do you make financial decisions? Do you make financial decisions? Do you check the weather? Do you cook food? Do you prepare food? If so, there's a good chance that statistics can help make these tasks simpler. Despite the fact that you won't get a direct correlation, statistics are sure to influence your daily life.

This day is also known as:: Here are some other ways to commemorate this day..

  • Find out more about statistics' mathematical field
  • Watch a movie about the value of statistics. Moneyball and Statistics are two of the examples that have been most popular ones
  • Take a statistics quiz

#WorldStatisticsDay - #WorldStatisticsDay - Share on social media with #WorldStatisticsDay. #WorldStatisticsDay is a worldwide celebration.

The world statistics day is the longest in history..

In 1947, the United Nations Statistical Commission was established. The Chief Statisticians from member states around the world are brought together by this commission. The Statistical Commission's main task is to establish statistical guidelines. In addition, the commission develops statistical reports and methods at the national and international levels.. In 1994, the Statistical Commission adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, which were published in Official Statistics.

The Statistical Commission suggested that the first World Statistics Day be commemorated on October 20, 2010. In 2012, it was decided that the anniversary would be held every five years.

The following are among the World Statistics Day's most popular past themes include::

  • stics 2010: Celebrating the Many Achievements in Statistics, 2010: Celebrating the Many Achievements in Statistics
  • Better data, Better Lives, 2015: Better data, Better Lives, Better Data, Better Lives

In 2020, the next World Statistics Day will be celebrated.