National Chopsticks Day
Mon Feb 6th

National Chopsticks Day

On February 6th, people around the world commemorate the humble and ancient utensils on National Chopsticks Day each year.

Around 1200 B.C., Chinese cooks started using chopsticks to prepare food. These items were likely long enough to fit into hot cooking pots. About 400 B.C., when fuels for cooking became scarce, food was prepared in smaller portions, reducing the number of ingredients needed to cook it. Short chopsticks were introduced at the same time as the desire for sharp eating utensils faded, and shorter chopsticks appeared.

When these handy eating appliances made their way to the dinner table, they're also exported around the world. They are both portable and elegant in their style, but they also vary in style from region to region, with portable and elegant in their style.

Today chopsticks can be made from wood, such as bamboo or aspen. Elaborately cut chopsticks can be cut from jade, ivory, or wood, and artisans can ornately paint some chopsticks with miniature scenes.

#nationalchopsticksday is a worldwide recognition of how to be aware of #nationalchopsticksday

To eat your meals, use chopsticks. Practice using chopsticks or show someone how to use them. Describe your new set of chopsticks or your new dish to eat with chopsticks. Chopsticks are available at your new restaurant. Also give them a shout out. Naturally, you should invite someone to celebrate with you! Of course, you should invite someone to celebrate with you! If you want them to join you in a chopstick competition to see who is the most adept using them, perhaps encourage them to join you. Be sure to post on social media using the hashtag #NationalChopsticksDay.


Q. Is it difficult to figure out how to use chopsticks?

A. No. A. No. A. No. Just needs practice and a little bit of dexterity to learn how to use chopsticks.

Q. Is there a prohibition against using chopsticks? Yes, yes. There are several etiquette laws that govern chopstick use. If you're worried about using chopsticks correctly, visit