World Meningitis Day - October 24
Tue Oct 24th

World Meningitis Day

Every year, World Meningitis Day takes place on April 24. The aim is to spread the word about meningitis, how to celebrate it, and what causes it. It's also a day to highlight the benefits of vaccinations.

Meningitis is a disease of the brain and spinal cord that covers the brain and spinal cord. Every year, more than 1 million people around the world are affected by meningitis.

There are three main types of meningitis disease infections: bacterial, viral, and environmental. Infection is by far the most common cause of meningitis and can be caused by a variety of germs: viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Memoriety, deafness, loss of sight, epilepsy, epilepsy, paralysis, organ damage, and brain damage can all be life-changing, and they may include memory loss, deafness, loss of sight, epilepsy, paralysis, organ damage, and brain damage.

How to observe

Find out more about meningitis and its signs. Doing so can save a life, according to the Confederation of Meningitis Organizations (CoMO). Meningitis is quickly spreading and can kill in just hours.. While vaccinations reduce risk, not all forms of meningitis are vaccine-preventable, although vaccines reduce risk. Find out more by visiting MeningitisNow on Facebook. To follow on social media, use #MeningitisNow, #MeningitisDay, or #WorldMeningitisDay.


World Meningitis Day is an initiative of the worldwide Confederation of Meningitis Organizations (CoMO), which began in 2008. CoMO) started in 2008.