World Psoriasis Day - October 29
Sun Oct 29th

World Psoriasis Day

Every year, World Psoriasis Day, October 29th, honors those who suffer from psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis. The day is designed to raise concerns and increase access to healthcare.

Psoriasis is present in 125 million people around the world. More than 80% of Americans have the disease in the United States. Psoriatic arthritis accounts for up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis.

aracterized as a systemic inflammatory disease. Skin cells' life cycle is accelerated by this skin disease.. As a result, the body has extra skin cells. These extra cells have developed itchy red patches on the skin.. The red patches are also itchy, and they are often painful. Cracked skin that sometimes bleeds and small scaling spots are two common signs. In some instances, psoriasis causes the joints to become inflamed and stiff. When psoriasis affects the joints, it is called psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis' exact cause is uncertain, although it isn't completely understood. An overactive immune system may play a role in some studies. Psoriasis is usually started or gets worse when certain triggers occur. These triggers include infections, skin injury, exhaustion, Vitamin D deficiency, and heavy alcohol intake. Psoriasis can also be triggered by certain medications. Those who have psoriasis are at a higher risk of contracting other illnesses. These disorders include Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease, and kidney disease. The kidney disease is a result of kidney disease. Psoriasis is most noticeable in a person's quality of life, causing depression and other emotional difficulties..

Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis, but it can go into remission, which is unfortunate. Topical corticosteroids, coal tar, moisturizers, and prescription medications are often used to treat the disease's symptoms.

How to celebrate

A variety of initiatives are planned by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association (IFPA), alongside member associations and their supporters, who coordinate a variety of initiatives. These include informational talks and educational seminars.

If you would like to experience this day: If you would like to attend this day..

  • Educate yourself on psoriasis and treatment options
  • Commit to avoiding the risk factors that lead to psoriasis
  • Many with psoriasis-related disorders should consult with your doctor to discuss their diagnosis
  • If you know of someone with psoriasis, reach out to them
  • Those that have psoriasis are encouraged to share their tale with others

#WorldPsoriasisDay is the hashtag used on social media to post on social media.

Psoriasis Day is the world's oldest psoriasis day

In 2004, Word Psoriasis Day was established. Patients for Patients created the health awareness day. The Member States of the World Health Organisation's 2014 resolution formally recognizing October 29th as World Psoriasis Day on October 29th. The IFPA holds the World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference every third year to raise concerns of the disease. Over 1,000 delegates from around the world are among the conference's over 1,000 delegates from around the world.

New themes for World Psoriasis Day: The following are the most popular ones for World Psoriasis Day...

  • 2019: CONNECTED
  • Psoriasis Seriously, 2018: Treat Psoriasis Psoriasis is a disease that has ravaged Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis inside out Psoriasis' 2017: Psoriasis Inside Output Psoriasis Psoriasis Psoriasis Psoriasis Psoriasis Psoriasis Psoriasis Ps Pso
  • 2016: Breaking Barriers, 2016: Breaking Barriers
  • 2015: Hope. Take action. Changes