Mon Nov 20th

National Peanut Butter Fudge Day

Peanut butter lovers and fudge enthusiasts come together on November 20th to celebrate National Peanut Butter Fudge Day.

People from all around the country celebrated National Fudge Day on June 16th. The celebrations continue, whether you're adding creamy or crunchy peanut butter.. They will be able to enjoy peanut butter as the show's fudge flavor and star..

Fudge, most likely by a happy chance, originated in the United States.' A letter written by Emelyn Bettersby Hartridge in 1886 was discovered.. Ms. Hartridge attended Vassar College as a student in Poughkeepsie, New York, and the letter related to a fudge her cousin made. The fudge was selling for 40 cents per pound by her cousin, who lived in Baltimore Maryland. Ms. Hartridge acquired the recipe and made 30 pounds of fudge for the Vassar College Senior Auction in 1888.

Any shops on Mackinac Island, Michigan, in the late 19th century, began to produce fudge similar to that of the Vassar College fudge and sold it to summer vacationers. In some of the original shops there today, Fudge is still made...

National Nutty Fudge Day on May 12th and National Penuche Fudge Day on July 22nd are two other fudge holidays on the calendar.

How to celebrate #peanutbutterfudgeday

Peanut butter fudge adds a rich flavor to many desserts.. Add it to ice cream, pies, or other candies. Of course, enjoying peanut butter fudge on its own is just as good.' Stop by your new candy store or make your own. Try these out if you're looking for a dish. No matter how you chose to celebrate, be sure to invite someone to join you. No celebration is complete unless you have someone to join you!

Peanut Butter Fudge is the easiest peanut butter fudge to make. Fudge's Easy Peanut Butter Fudge is a simple peanut butter Fudge. Fudge with Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge is an easy chocolate peanut butter fudge made by the Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge. wirl Fudge Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge.

To post on social media, use #PeanutButterFudgeDay..

Fudge FAQ

Q. My fudge isn't set, not setting. What did I do wrong?

A. Every fudge recipe calls for the sweet, sugary mixture to be melted and heated. The mixture must be heated to between 234 and 241F (also known as the soft ball stage for candy making). This issue is solved by a candy thermometer.

Is fudge something a beginner can make? Yes, yes. Fudge does not need fancy equipment, so it does not need fancy tools. It does, however, need a little patience to get started. Make one of the many microwave fudge recipes first, which are quick to follow.

Q. How should I package fudge for gifts?

A. Who wouldn't want to get homemade fudge as a gift? There are some unique and festive ways to package fudge as a gift, including: These are some of the most popular and festive ways to package fudge as a gift.

  • Create a brown paper bag with stickers, stamps, a sweet note, or freehand drawings. Wrap the fudge in wax paper and place inside. Write the recipe on a card. Punch a hole in the card and the paper bag, then punch a hole in the card and the paper bag. Attach the card through the holes and tie it with a bow using a colorful ribbon
  • Place several small pieces in a cellophane bag, tied with ribbon, tying with ribbon. To begin the box, pour the contents into a coffee mug
  • Make a cone out of heavy wrapping paper or cardstock. With tape, you can tape the edges. Wrapped fudge and other treats are included in the cone..