Wed Dec 6th

National Miner's Day

The contributions of miners around the world are recognized on National Miner's Day.. In addition, the day honors the mining country's hardworking employees...

The country must remember that mining is one of America's most dangerous occupations as we celebrate their achievements and recall the tragedies that these hard-working individuals endure. Every day, Miners put their lives in jeopardy. They are dealing with health and safety issues as well as an uncertain future.

Every day we use products that are made from raw materials excavated from mines. These products are a result of the miners' work. More important role in our lives than most people realize is this: Both men and women play a much more important part in our lives.

#nationalminersday is a nationalminersday celebration that should be observed by everyone

Learn more about mining history and how the industry shifts year after year throughout the day. Attend a mining memorial service... While there, make sure you're up to date with the dangers and health risks associated with mining. Learning about mining is another way to participate. Thank miners, you know, for their hard work. Visit a mining museum on tour. Watch a mining documentary. If you're a miner, please share your experiences with others.

To post on social media, use #NationalMinersDay...

History of the national miner's day in the United States. tvn

On December 6, 1907, in Monogah, West Virginia, the worst mining accident in history occurred on December 6, 1907, on National Miner's Day. The explosion resulted in the deaths of 362 miners. In 2009, Congress declared that the day would be observed every year on December 6th.