HUMAN RIGHTS DAY – December 10
Sun Dec 10th

Human Rights Day

The United States Human Rights Day, which takes place on December 10th, annually seeks to commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

Representatives from a variety of cultural backgrounds all around the world drafted the UDHR. It was one of the first significant accomplishments for the United Nations Nation when it was established. The UDHR includes a preamble as well as 30 articles that focus on specific human rights. Universal values for all peoples and nations are included in this paper.

The following are examples of the rights that have been discussed:: Some of the rights discussed include::

Right to:

  • equality
  • Life, liberty, and personal security are all important to life, liberty, and personal security
  • The innocent until proven guilty. The defendant will not be considered innocent until proven guilty
  • marriage and family
  • own property
  • rest and leisure
  • education

Freedom from:

  • discrimination
  • slavery
  • torture
  • Arbitrary detention and exile are both unlawful detention and exile

Freedom to:

  • belief and religion
  • Our view and details are based on opinion and facts

All the other rights are protected by another right, freedom from the state or personal interference..

Many of the UDHR's promises have yet to be fulfilled. However, the paper has withstand the test of time. Every human being in the world is empowered by the document's value. It's also encouraging individuals to stand up for their own human rights by empowering them to advocate for the rights of others.

How to celebrate #humanrightsday.

On Human Rights Day, traditionally, the five-yearly United Nations Prizes in the Field of Human Rights and Nobel Peace Prize are given on Human Rights Day. On this day, high-level political conferences and meetings will convene. In addition, museums host cultural performances and exhibitions focusing on human rights issues. Many international and non-governmental groups working in the human rights field also plan special activities to commemorate the day.

To participate:

  • Consider when your civil rights were violated or taken away from you. Think about a time when your human rights were violated or taken away from you
  • Discuss with someone or write about the importance of safeguarding human rights
  • Selma; Dukhtar; I am Slave; and Beasts of No Nation are among the films focusing on human rights that include Selma; Dukhtar; I am Slave; and Beasts of No Country
  • Learn more about the human rights' history. Learn about the human rights' history
  • When you ask your children or other youth what human rights mean to them, ask them or other youth what human rights mean to them
  • Read a copy of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Read a copy of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

On social media, use #HumanRightsDay to post.

History has shown that human rights day is the oldest in history

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10th, 1948. Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10th, 1948. This historic document established the inalienable rights that every human being is entitled to. These human rights are guaranteed regardless of race, color, creom, sex, gender, language, opinion, origin, or another class. The UDHR is the world's most translated book. Over 500 languages have been translated.