Pick a Pathologist Pal Day – December 13
Wed Dec 13th

Pick A Pathologist Day

Since we never know what tomorrow holds, we suggest we make friends with a pathologist or coroner on December 13th..

Although life is short, making friends with a pathologist or coroner can change our outlook on life. Given the challenges of life, the majority of us have risen to them. A pathologist and coroner see some of the ills that can befall us. assured, living life to our fullest while we can may be the determining factor.

We're all about being positive, and that's all in our attitude. However, for some people, a positive attitude may be more beneficial than for others. Although we can't control external forces, we can control how we respond to them. Our responses make the difference – or no difference at all.

Positive things around you are another key to being positive. We take for granted the positive influences in our lives. Bring those people closer to you. To bring more balance, while you're at it, reduce or lessen the negative influences in your life.

Also, keep practicing the positive vibe when checking in with the pathologist pal or coroner. Their humor makes life interesting, and we don't want to remove anything funny from our lives.

Share them with your family or coroner who brings joy to your life. Others need all the positive influences in their lives that they can possibly get.

How to celebrate #pickapathologistpalday on a Monday.

Make acquaintances with a pathologist or a coroner. Then tells us more about how to make life exciting, exciting, and delightfully amusing. On social media, use the hashtag #PickAPathologistPalDay to post.

Pick a pathologist pal day history

Pick A Pathologist Pal Day was born by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat.com.