Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day - December 18 (1)
Mon Dec 18th

Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day

Answer the Telephone Like Buddy Buddy The Elf Day, December 18th, encourages everyone to include some elf behavior to their day.

In the 2003 film Elf, Will Farrell appeared as Buddy the Elf. Elf was played by Will Farrell. Answering the phone like Buddy the Elf not only surprises unsuspecting callers, but it also brightens their day. As your day progresses, it will most likely brighten yours! When being elf-like, who can't avoid a giggle or a smile? elf-like.

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"Insert your Name) the Elf, what's your favorite color," simply answer the phone and say, "Insert your Name" is the name. Smile and pass some joy as you answer. It's nearly impossible not to.. Many people are encouraged to do the same. Don't be surprised by the elf-like voice when you call someone.

Dressing up is another way to celebrate as you answer the phone.. You can dress as an elf. Choose either a Santa hat or an ugly jacket to complement your boring jacket. Do you wear holiday socks? Be sure you deck yourself out. Also on the day, hold a desk decorating competition or a fundraiser for a charity of the day. To share with coworkers, bake elf treats are baked. Let us know how your elfen phone calls go.

Telling elf jokes is another way to celebrate Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day. It's all in the spirit of the day. Where ever they go, Elves bring fun and joy.. To get you off, we even have a few to help you get started.

Q: What kind of music do elves like best?

A: Wrap music!

Q: What do you call an elf who wins the lottery? Q: What do you call an elf who wins the lottery?

A: Welfy!

Q: What's the first thing elf children learn in school?

A: The elf-abet!

Q: What kind of photos do elves like taking?

A: Elfies of course!

To post on social media, use #AnswerThePhoneLikeBuddyTheElfDay.