HUMBUG DAY – December 21
Thu Dec 21st

Humbug Day

On December 21st, Humbug Day honors Ebenezers, the Scrooges, grinches, and curmudgeons who suck the joy out of the holiday season.

And the most joyful of us all get bitten by the hum-bug at times. Nonetheless, it's vital to remember all those who suffer from it the most. They are spreading some joy and instilling the holiday spirit in their lives.. However, the day was planned to show our dissatisfactions, to bring the Scrooge inside, to let him out, and let him reveal himself. Whether we announce it through a humbug or two or simply avoid the people-y places, the day gives us a break from the hustle and bustle of summer life.

For several reasons, it's a difficult time of year. Any one of us may be lonely, and others may feel compelled to do more than is humanly possible. We can certainly raise our hopes. We may also set our own aspirations high. The holiday season's stresses pile up, leaving us feeling a bit like Scrooge.

How to celebrate #humbugday

The day is an excellent opportunity to both express our Scroogy and also take stock of our hopes. This holiday may be able to be simplified and lessen our load, but it may be difficult to simplify this holiday. We may find a way to reclaim our joy and spread a little as well. On social media, use #HumbugDay to post.

Instead, you can also look for 14 Ways to Foster Happiness in Your Life. It's up to you.

Humbug day history's Thomas and Ruth Roy at created Humbug Day.

Humbug FAQ

What does Scrooge mean when he says, "Bah." Does Scrooge mean? "Hugger!" says Humbug!"?

"Bah," Ebenezer Scrooge's oft-repeated word in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge's oft-repeated word, "Bah." Humbug!" or "Humbug!" was used to indicate his displeasure or to deny what his eyes were seeing. In the novella, Humbug was used seven times. However, the combined term "Bah" is still used. "Hubbug!" was only used twice. The curmudgeonly old man never said a word after Ebenezer's visit to Marley's ghost, "humbug" was never uttered by the curmudgeonly old man again.

Q. Does other books use the term "humbug"?

Yes, yes. In fact, it's more popular in Frank L. Baum's The Wizard of Oz than it is in A Christmas Carol.