International Book Giving Day - February 14
Mon Feb 13th

International Book Giving Day

Every year on February 14th, International Book Giving Day aims to achieve one goal. This initiative aims to get books into the hands of as many children as possible. The volunteer program also aims to increase children's access to and enthusiasm for books.

When most people see the date, February 14th, they immediately think of Valentine's Day. On this day, however, there is another way to express the love. You can share the love of books with a child who may not have any.. There are still children who do not own a single book in this modern age, and it could be difficult to accept that in this new age, there are still children who do not own a single book. Many children in developing countries don't have books. This is also true in the United States. About two-thirds of American children living in poverty do not have any books.

Why do children need books? Why do children need books? Consider these reasons: For these reasons, consider these reasons:

  • Reading books aloud to children helps to establish an emotional connection
  • Books help children learn basic language skills
  • Children are encouraged to think and help them come up with new ideas by books
  • They help children learn critical thinking skills by helping them develop critical thinking skills
  • They also extend the worlds of children
  • Books research and answer questions
  • They have a way of delivering warmth, companionship, and entertainment

Every child should have their own books for these reasons and many more.

How to attend #international book giving day on a #international book giving day

Thousands of libraries, literacy services, and schools around the world participate in this day. The best way for you to participate is to give a child in need of a book... The book doesn't have to be brand new, it can be gently used. Other ways to participate include:: The following are examples of other ways to participate:

Donate books can be donated to your local library or a local charity.

  • Book Aid International, Room to Read, and Books for Africa are among the charities that sell books to children
  • Sign a child up with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library so that the child will get a free book every month
  • Encourage your child to give some of their books to a child in need

#BookGivingDay is a social media platform that helps spread word about this day on social media.

History of the international book giving day has a long tradition

International Book Giving Day was established in 2012. A group of volunteers who wanted every child in the world to have a book began International Book Giving Day in 2012. Emma Perry, a children's author in the United Kingdom, coordinates the day. Over 44 nations around the world participate in over 44 nations.