World Hippo Day - February 15
Wed Feb 15th

World Hippo Day

Each year, World Hippo Day on February 15th marks the world's third-largest mammal... In addition, it's also a day to learn more about the hippopotamus.

Both the blue whale and the African elephant are the only two mammals in the world that are larger than the hippopotamus. In ancient Greek, the word hippo refers to a river horse. The mighty beast weighs in at 8,000 pounds. There is only one continent in the world where you can find a hippo. Africa is located on the African continent. Hippos are native to more than 30 countries in Africa. In the wild, these herbivores can live up to 50 years. Hippos are the only two species of hippos on the planet. These include the common hippopotamus and the pygmy hippo.

Here are some more surprising facts about the hippopotamus: Here are a few more interesting facts about the hippopotamus.

  • They conceal an oily red powder on their skin, which acts as sunblock and a moisturizer
  • Hippos spend up to 16 hours a day submerged in water, but must come up every 5 minutes for air
  • Mother hippos give birth to their babies in the water
  • Baby hippos weigh about 100 pounds
  • Every two years, female hippos give birth to one calf.
  • Despite the fact that hippos don't look fast, they can go up to 19 mph
  • Hippos eat nearly 150 pounds of grass in a 4 to 5 hour grazing period
  • Hippos are the most invasive animals in the world, killing 500 humans per year

The hippo's predators include hyenas, lions, and crocodiles. Humans have unfortunately evolved to become a primary predator, which has also made them a primary predator. Some hunters hunt hippos for their meat, while others hunt for ivory canine teeth.. After a ban on the international trade of elephant ivory in 1989, the demand for hippo teeth has increased. Despite recent attempts to prohibit the selling of hippo teeth, the species is still vulnerable. The hippo population has seen the largest decline in the Congo's Democratic Republic over the years.

How to celebrate #worldhippoday. hippodaycom

Many zoos, wildlife groups, and conservation groups hold events to celebrate the hippo and educate the public about this amazing mammal. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Find out more about the hippo
  • Donate to an organization like the African Wildlife Foundation, which is attempting to save the hippo
  • Find photos and fun facts about hippos on the internet and post them on social media.
  • Go check it out if your zoo has a hippo exhibit
  • Hippos can be seen in videos or a documentary about hippos
  • Hungry Hippos, a board game, is a board game that can be played on a computer

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The world hippo day is the longest in history of the world hippo day

Our research team is still trying to determine the exact source of this day.