International Public Domain Day stamp image
Sun Jan 1st

International Domain Day

International Public Domain Day, January 1st, commemorates authors who died many years ago and their remaining works in the public domain. Also, on this day, people observe the demise of copyrights and celebrate new works that have entered the public domain.

Original works are copyright protected by a copyright. The copyright is owned by the individual who made it. The object of a copyright is to prevent the work from being stolen by others. A copyright also blocks an unlawful individual from using the system. Literary, graphic, architectural, dramatic, and audiovisual are just a few examples of works that have a copyright. Copyright rights are also covered for sound recordings.

Copyrights will eventually expire. These copyrights will come to an end. The author's life spans more than 70 years, with copyright guarantees for works created after January 1, 1978. Different countries have differing legislation regarding copyright protection. The copyright for works published in 1925 or earlier will expire in the United States as of January 1, 2021.. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Irving Berlin's "Always" are two of these works.

When is World Book and Copyright Day and Copyright Day? The work enters the public domain as copyright protection expires. Artists, writers, and other performers can use works in the public domain to help create new ones. For example, a songwriter may use words to a hymn written many years ago in a new song they're writing. Any of the great works of the past's greatest works of art are revived and brought to life once more. Education is also more affordable, and it helps to save the past for future generations. The public domain makes education more accessible and preserves history for future generations.

How to track #internationalpublicdomainday

On this day, many countries around the world host special events. Several websites mark the day by highlighting authors whose works are in the public domain for the first time. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Find out more about works that are now available in the public domain
  • Please take the time to educate yourself on copyright legislation and when they will expire
  • Create your own piece based on one in the public domain

With #InternationalPublicDomainDay or #IPDD, help spread the word for this day on social media with #InternationalPublicDomainDay or #IPDD.

History of the international public domain day has a long tradition

Wallace McLean, a public domain activist from Canada, first announced a Public Domain Day in 2004. Lawrence Lessig, a political activist and American academic who argued for the theory, supported the theory.