Pluto Day - February 18
Fri Feb 17th

Pluto Day

Every year, Pluto Day on February 18th commemorates the discovery of the former planet every year. Up until 2006, the dwarf planet was listed as one of the nine planets in the solar system.

Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, an American astronomer, who discovered Pluto. He made the discovery at the Lowell Observatory on February 18th, 1930, 84 years after the discovery of Neptune. Pluto was named for the Roman god of the Underworld by the Roman god of the Underworld.

Perpetual Lowell is also named Perpetual Lowell. His initials are the first two letters of Pluto... Lowell, an American astronomer, believed there was another planet outside of Neptune. He led the quest that resulted in the discovery of Pluto. Lowell Observatory officially announced the discovery of a 9th planet on March 19, 1930.

Lanet or not a planet?

Pluto was reduced to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) on August 24th, 2006. IAU) reduced Pluto to a dwarf planet. Pluto failed to fulfill certain conditions that designated it as a full-sized planet, according to the IAU. A full-sized planet must:

Pluto meets the first two requirements but not the third. In other words, there are no other bodies of comparable size under its gravitational influence.'' Also, modern technology has enabled astronomers to find other bodies in space that are the same size or larger than Pluto. Although hundreds of dwarf planets exist, the IAU only recognizes five of them. Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake are among the many items on the list.

Pluto is no longer a planet, despite these facts, scientists and the general public have a difficult time accepting the fact that Pluto is no longer a planet. Many people recall the mnemonic, "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas." "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas." The first letter in every world helped them to understand the planet's order... Pluto was mentioned in Pizza's "P" word. "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles" was the mnemonic, which was changed to "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles."

Despite the fact that Pluto is no longer a planet, you can still learn interesting facts about the planet.

  • Pluto hasn't made a complete orbit around the sun since its discovery
  • It has five known moons.
  • The majority of nitrogen in Pluto's extremely thin atmosphere is mainly nitrogen
  • One day on Pluto equals 6.4 days on Earth
  • It has ice mountains that are taller than the Rockies

How to celebrate #plutoday.

On this day, planetariums, observatories,, and other places that investigate the solar system hold special events. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Try to find Pluto with your own telescope
  • Learn more about the planets and dwarf planets
  • If you believe Pluto should still be a planet, write about it or discuss it with others, or talk about it with others
  • Watch a documentary about Pluto, such as The Year of Pluto, Mission Pluto, or Chasing Pluto
  • On the Internet, there are educational videos about Pluto

#PlutoDay — No matter what you do, show your love of this dwarf planet on social media with #PlutoDay.

Pluto day history

On February 18th, 1930, Pluto Day commemorates the discovery of the species each year on February 18th, 1930.