National Kahlua Day - February 27
Mon Feb 27th

National Kahlua Day

On February 27th, National Kahl's Day honors the rich, cream coffee liqueur that also serves up a variety of delectable desserts. This alcoholic beverage also adds to cocktails and adult flavored desserts. To commemorate, you may want to use Kahlua, a coffee-flavored rum-based liquor, to flavor your ice cream or another dessert such as cheesecake or cake. It also tastes great in coffee, hot chocolate, creamy cocktails, as a shot or on the rocks..

In 1936, Pedro Domecq began producing Kahla. The company merged with Allied Lyons in 1994, creating Allied Domecq. Pernod Ricard, Pernod Ricard, partially acquired Allied Domecq in 2005, merging with the Swedish Vin & Sprit (V & S Group) in March of 2008.

Kahl'a is made from coffee and rum, so it does not contain caffeine. Kahla is found in a few popular cocktails, including the following: Kahl'a is found to be used in a few popular cocktails, including the following:

  • B-52
  • Baby Guinness
  • Black Russian
  • Mudslide
  • White Russian
  • Espresso Martini
  • Caribbean Mudslide

#NationalKahluaDay is a national holiday in the United States. HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalKahluaDay #NationalKahluaDay is a national holiday in the United States. OBSERVE #NationalKahluaDay is a national holiday in the United States. OBSERVE #NationalKahluaDay is a national holiday in the United States.

  • Bake with Kahl'a flavor to celebrate.' Kahl's unique and rich flavor is a welcome addition to desserts of all sorts Try one of these recipes below: Try one of these dishes from the list below:
  • Kalhua Sour Cream Coffee Cake is a calorie-rich coffee cake that is served with a sour cream coffee drink
  • Kahlua Brownies
  • As well, serve up a drink or two.
  • Invite some colleagues to enjoy a Kahl'a cocktail with you
  • (Remember always drink responsibly and never drink and drive) and use #NationalKahluaDay to post on social media, and never drink responsibly and never drink and drive)

Kahlúa FAQ

Q. Where is Kahl made? In Veracruz, Mexico, A. Kahl'a is made.

Is it possible to add Kahl'a to my coffee? Q. Can I add Kahl'a to my coffee? Yes, but we suggest you save it for your days off.

Q. Does Kahl have rum?

A. Yes.