World Wildlife Day - March 3
Fri Mar 3rd

World Wildlife Day

Every year, World Wildlife Day, March 3rd, commemorates all life on our planet.. The annual festival is regarded as the most significant, raising concerns of endangered and endangered plants and animals. We now face the challenge of overexploiting our marine species as a planet. Human impact has not only caused pollution and destroyed coastal habitats, but also irreversible harm through global mass consumption.

  • Threatened species – any species of plant or animal that is on the verge of being endangered – any species of plant or animal that is on the verge of being endangered
  • Endangered species — any plant or animal that is in danger of destruction – are endangered species of plant or animal that is in danger of extinction
  • Plants and animals that no longer survive in the wild are extinct Species (in the wild) – plants and animals that no longer survive in the wild
  • Plant and animal species that have died out of extinct Species – plant and animal species that have died out

Many of the endangered species in the wild may live in zooos, botanical gardens, or even in our own back yards. The blue-tailed skink and the rhododendron kanehirai are two of two endangered species in the wild that survive elsewhere. Another recent revival is due to its success. Although the butterfly splitfin is officially listed as extinct in the wild, a small population of the butterfly splitfin remains in Mexico. Butterfly goodeids (Ameca splendens), the live-bearing fish currently live in habitats in home aquariums, and are also known as butterfly goodeids (Ameca splendens).

Causes of extinction

While Earth extinction occurs naturally on Earth, human involvement accelerates extinction rates. Extinctions are among the extinction's causes.

  • Habitat loss is attributed to habitat destruction – over construction, expansion of urban areas, and deforestation all contributed to this problem
  • This is due to a combination of climate change, over-reliance on fossil fuels, deforestation, and other causes
  • Introduced plants, animals, and animals to a non-native habitat that alter or destroy wildlife, resulting in the loss of many species of many species of wildlife and ultimately contribute to biodiversity loss
  • Overfishing and hunting have increased demand for more food or materials by a population than an ecosystem can sustain

The World Wildlife Day gives us the opportunity to showcase the solutions we've created for a more sustainable future. It's also our opportunity to focus on the lives of countless people who dedicate their lives to bring our vision of a healthy planet to fruition..

How to commemorate #worldwildlifeday by #worldwildlifeday

It's simple to celebrate World Wildlife Day.. There are several ways to participate. No matter how you participate, invite someone to join you in the fun.

  • To see what's happening in your area, visit
  • Volunteer at a local park or donate. Or donate. Learn what changes can be made in your neighborhood to improve our climate
  • Take a trip to your local zoo, nature preserve, botanical gardens, or national park
  • Learn more about how species removals are affecting our ecosystems
  • Find out more about biodiversity and its importance

Use the hashtags #WorldWildlifeDay to express your passion for all things wildlife.

History of the world wildlife day has a rich history..

World Wildlife Day was ratified by the United Nations General Assembly on December 20th, 2013. The day was initially scheduled in Thailand with the intention of raising concerns of the poor condition of the world's animals and vegetation.