World Consumer Rights Day - March 15
Wed Mar 15th

World Consumer Rights Day

Every year, World Consumer Rights Day raises global awareness of consumer rights and needs. It's also a day to insist that consumer rights be respected and protected.

You are a customer if you buy products and services for personal use. There's a good chance that as a customer, you may have had a bad experience. Perhaps you bought a new one that broke within months of purchasing it. Perhaps you hired someone to do a job but they were unable to satisfy your needs.

Negative customer experiences are being avoided by the majority of companies, as it shows poorly on their company. As a result, they expect they will also lose customers.. In most countries, there are laws that help to safeguard consumers' rights... These businesses must follow these rules.

The right to: The right to. Examples of consumer rights include the right to: The right to.

  • For survival, people need basic products and services. Survivors have access to basic commodities and services that are essential for survival
  • People are unlikely to be exposed to dangerous products or services that cannot be protected
  • Product and services information is available for purchase and services
  • Choose from a large number of quality products and services from a variety of quality items and services.
  • If you want to file a lawsuit about a product or service, you should file a complaint
  • Consumer education and representation are key components of consumer education and representation

These rights are not universal in many countries. However, the majority of every developed country accepts that all consumers have the right to health, education, choice, and the right to be understood.

How to celebrate #worldconsumerrightsday

Consumers International, the international body for consumer groups around the world, sponsors a variety of events each year. Consumer rights are protected by these events, which are held in more than 100 countries.

To participate:

  • Think about a time when your consumer rights were violated and what you did about it
  • Discuss with others what our world would be like if consumers did not have rights
  • Educate yourself on the consumer rights that you have

#WorldConsumerRightsDay is a hashtag that is used on social media to raise concerns for this day.

The world consumer rights day is the first in history

When President John F Kennedy sent a special note to Congress on March 15th, 1962, he inspired World Consumer Rights Day... The message related to the issue of consumer rights. Years later, in 1983, the consumer movement marked that date as World Consumer Rights Day. Today's most popular topics include::

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