Sun Mar 26th

Epilepsy Awareness Day -purple Day

On March 26th, Epilepsy Awareness Day aims to raise the public's awareness of a medical disorder that affects nearly half million people around the world. Also known as Purple Day, people are encouraged to wear purple in favor of epilepsy awareness..

Epilepsy, a medical disorder, has an effect on the central nervous system, causing seizures and other signs. The causes and type of epilepsy can influence the types of seizures. Epilepsy is a disorder that has no known causes. The following are some common epilepsy causes: epilepsy causes include:

  • brain injury
  • genetics
  • metabolic disorders
  • immune disorders
  • infection

#epilepsyawarenessday or #purpleday is a hashtag that can be used to track #epilepsyawarenessday or #purpleday on Twitter

  • Join the Purple Day movement.
  • Learn more about epilepsy
  • Wearing purple shows your love by wearing purple
  • Volunteer at a fundraising cause
  • research is being carried out by Donate to research epilepsy
  • If you or someone you know has epilepsy, speak up and help eliminate epilepsy's stigma..
  • Know the signs of a seizure and what to do
  • To post on social media, use #EpilepsyAwarenessDay or #PurpleDay

History has a long tradition of epilepsy awareness day

Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia, Canada, in 2008, celebrated Purple Day to raise the public's knowledge of epilepsy and to ban some of the myths that cloud the condition's diagnosis.. Though some observances of previous awareness campaigns have existed, Purple Day and its founder continue to gain a following, and word is spreading around the world. Although other awareness campaigns exist, other awareness campaigns have existed for years.

Epilepsy FAQ

Q. Is epilepsy treated? Is there a cure? No, epilepsy is not curable, there is no such thing as a cure. can be treated with anti-epileptic drugs and other therapies.

Are all seizures related to epilepsy? Q. Is epilepsy related to epilepsy?

A. No. A. No. A. No. Seizures can occur for a variety of medical conditions.

Q. How many people in the United States have epilepsy? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 5.1 million people in the United States have a history of epilepsy.