Tue Jan 10th

Save The Eagles Day

Every year, Save the Eagles Day reminds us of the majestic raptors that soar above the Earth, whether they are abundant or endangered. In June 2007, the bald eagle was removed from this list due to the efforts of scientists and the general public. bald eagle was removed from this list in June 2007. Poaching, pesticides, and other dangers continue to plague eagle populations.

Although the day started as a way to save a specific pair of bald eagles and raise concerns of the species, the observance has widened to include all species of eagles. Around 60 species of eagles populate the planet. Both Eurasia and Africa host the majority of the species. About 14 species are found in North, Central, and South America and Australia only account for about 14 species. In Hawaii, however, no eagles have been found. bald and golden eagles are the most common species in North America.

Eagles are a popular species of prey. The hunt is a favorite among hunters due to An eagle's keen sense of sight, strong muscles, piercing talons, and beak. They are also monogamous, mating for life.

How to celebrate #savetheeaglesday

Find out more about eagles. Watch documentaries or read about them. Visit an aviary or a bird sanctuary to visit an aviary or a bird sanctuary. We've also collected a few books to read. You can also participate in preservation and conservation in your area..

  • Todd E. Katzner, Eagle Watchers: Observing and Conserving Raptors Around the World by Todd E. Katzner
  • f the Eagles by Melissa Gish of the Philadelphia Eagles by Melissa Gish

To post on social media, use the hashtag #SaveTheEaglesDay.

Save the eagles day's history by saving the eagles day

Save the Eagles Day began in 2015 in the Village of Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. The day is the result of an effort to save a pair of nesting bald eagles near the village. Skymark Development Corp of Paramus published a report arguing that a landfill near where the eagles nested posed health risks. Since at least 2011, the nesting pair, affectionably named Alice and Al, had nested along Overpeck Creek. On January 10, 2015, the community and the Bergen County Audubon Society organized Save the Eagles Day, a celebration that included removing the tree that the eagles nested in.

Eventually, an agreement was reached to protect an area of the property as an eagle park. Alice and Al continued to live out their days in Ridgefield Park and fly over the residents... Learn more about the environmental success of the area and Alice and Al.