Sun Jan 1st

National Hangover Day

Hangover's signs

  • Alcohol is a toxin. Our bodies produce toxins (alcohol) at a certain rate. We become intoxicated as the rate of consumption exceeds that the liver can process it. ' The risk of a hangover has never been higher, as well. Acetaldehyde is a volatile chemical that occurs in the liver as it breaks down alcohol. glutathione, one of the body's anti-inflammatory agents, is one of the many things that can be used to treat these toxins. A night of drinking quickly depletes the body's ability, and a night of heavy drinking quickly depletes it. We get drained because glutathione is a stimulant, so we get drained
  • Upset stomach: Alcohol promotes the discovery of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.. cesses can result in a queasy stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Headache or muscle pains: Alcohol is a diuretic. : Dehydration causes aches and pains, as well as the upset stomach described above

Here's how to avoid the hangover from preventing the hangover

  • Eat – Before or during the first round of drinks, a fat and protein-rich dish slows alcohol absorption into the bloodstream. No, the food doesn't look like a sponge, soaking up the alcohol, but it does slow down the digestive process. Fats and proteins, particularly proteins, take longer to digest, and the alcohol is gradually introduced into the bloodstream
  • ater – Keep hydrated between beers or shots by sipping a glass of water in between. The alcohol is diluted by hydration, dehydrating the alcohol, giving the liver time to keep up and replace the fluids that were missing
  • Avoid diet cocktails – According to WebMD, studies show that cocktails mixed with fruits, fruit juices, or other sugar-containing beverages lessen the intensity of a hangover
  • "Beer than alcohol, never been sicker," Pace yourself says. Liquor then beer, have no fear," has more to do with the amount of alcohol consumed than the type.. Beer tends to be consumed more quickly than hard liquor, and as the night progresses, each successive drink tends to go down quicker. One might drink more beer starting with alcohol and then switching to beer halfway through, but less total alcohol if the process is reversed

Hangover cures

Time and a lot of fluids are the only sure-fire treatment for a hangover. Some common medications can help alleviate the symptoms, while others can't, and others can't recover.


  • "The hair of the dog that bit you" is the most common "cure" in the United States. This remedy claims that a little bit of what caused the hangover will help eliminate it. The approach, however, will delay recovery as it will place more strain on the liver, increase the mystery of hydrochloric acid, and not replace any of the fluids that were already lost to last night's revelry.
  • Drink coffee – In the movies, a strong cup of coffee is often thrust into the hands of the hangover victim in the hopes of bringing some life back to them. Although coffee can temporarily boost the body, the results don't last and will only delay recovery


  • Pain relievers can be the logical alternative for the pounding headache, which is a common symptom of a hangover. However, they also taxed the liver, which had already overworked. If a pain reliever is required, aspirin will have the least effect on the liver, but it can irritate the stomach. Both ways, pain relievers can prolong recovery more than easing the symptoms
  • Over-the-counter miracle cures may seem too good to be true, and they certainly aren't. The majority of them require each pill to be taken in large amounts of water. See *above for more information about re-hydration. These items may help reduce the symptoms, but at a costly price


  • Eat a banana. Bananas are high in potassium. We lose a lot of this nutrient when we drink alcohol. Potassium loss plays a role in muscle pains and cramps. These symptoms can be reduced by eating a banana
  • During the party, drinking plenty of water* and replacing fluids after can help reduce the effects of a hangover. ter, or try fruit juices and sports drinks. Electrolytes that have been lost will be replaced by electrolytes, and low blood sugar can be restored. Alcohol intake has been shown to a direct correlation to an increase in insulin levels in insulin
  • A hangover can be reduced by eating a meal with complex carbohydrates, protein, and a little fat. Whole wheat toast can remove some of the stomach's acids A fried egg will give the stomach something else to do instead of producing acid, as well as replacing some nutrients that were lacking during the party