National Tea Day - April 21
Fri Apr 21st

British National Tea Day


Behind every great nation, there is an even bigger beer that is assisting its people through the day.. The United Kingdom celebrates National Tea Day, their drink of choice for the past two centuries, on April 21st...

National Tea Day is the time for the United Kingdom to commemorate its long-standing association with the alcoholic drink. Their obsession with tea is so strong that they drink more than 60 billion cups a year collectively. That's a lot of 165 million cups a day.

It's no wonder that the United Kingdom has yet to grow bored of their national drink with such a large variety of teas that all serve a different purpose, from jumping start to sleepy time. They're also showing no signs of stopping!

On this day, residents of Great Britain hold their "Fes-Val" for the first time each year, as a way to showcase new teas, share the ultimate afternoon tea experience, and celebrate the hundreds of unique tastes that this one drink has to offer. Although tea is available in many parts of the world, the United Kingdom has made it abundantly that no one celebrates tea better than they do.

To celebrate National Tea Day in the United Kingdom, you don't have to be in the United Kingdom. To enjoy some tea by yourself or with friends, all you need is ten minutes away from the world. Grab a cuppa, a few scones, and hashtag #BritishNationalTeaDay or #NationalTeaDay to post on social media.


Despite the fact that afternoon tea has long been popular in the United Kingdom since the 19th century, National Tea Day didn't appear until much later. For more details on British National Tea Day visit