Parental Alienation Awareness Day - April 25
Tue Apr 25th

Parental Alienation Day


Parents are alienated, according to Parental Alienation Awareness Day (PAAD), part of a worldwide awareness campaign to raise concerns about parental alienation. As a result of the day's mission, judges, mental health care professionals, child protection companies, attorneys, and others, as well as friends and families of the targeted children or their parents, are made aware of this growing epidemic.

Parental alienation, also known as Hostile Aggressive Parenting, is a form of child violence. Whether conscious or unconscious, a child's behavior, such as a grandmother/father, aunt, uncle, etc., could lead to alienation in the relationship between a child and a parent.

Parental alienation, or Hostile Aggressive Parenting, can be mild and ineffective, as well as ongoing.. Most researchers agree that any alienation of a child against a parent is detrimental to the child's emotional and mental stability. Children can suffer severe psychological harm from extreme, obsessive, and continuing Parental Alienation, which can persist well into adulthood.

come a volunteer. Learn more about Parental Alienation or becoming a volunteer. For more details, visit for more details. nd hand out brochures about Parental Alienation Awareness Day at An event can be scheduled by a group. To follow on social media, use #ParentAwarenessDay or #paad. p.d.


Sarvy Emo introduced the scheme in Canada in late 2005, with the original date being March 28, which began in 2006.. This date was changed after the campaign began to coincide with the appearance of parent alienation specialist Dr. Richard Warshak in Toronto...

Bermuda, Seventeen United States states (New York, Maine, Connecticut, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Montana, Montana, Nebraska, Nebraska, Montana, Nebraska, Nebraska, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, Montana, In 25 countries, the day has since been celebrated..