World Tapir Day - April 27
Thu Apr 27th

World Tapir Day

Every year, World Tapir Day, on April 27th, aims to establish a community around tapir awareness and conservation.

What does a tapir look like? It seems that it is like a pig with a trunk. They are often described as a boar crossed with an anteater by some people. tapirs aren't related to any of these animals, however, tapirs aren't related to any of these animals. Rather, they are related to horses and rhinos. Tapirs are South America's most popular land mammals, weighing over 600 pounds. This herbivore lives in Central America and Southeast Asia.

Tapirs are classified as four distinct species, including: tapirs that are named.

  • Brazilian tapir
  • Malayan tapir,
  • Baird's tapir
  • Mountain tapir

Both the Brazilian tapir and the mountain tapir are on the endangered list of endangered species. In addition, the Malayan tapir and the Baird's tapir are endangered. Today, there are only 3,000 Malayan tapirs worldwide and 5,000 Baird's tapirs.

  • These fascinating animals have additional information, including::: Here are some additional facts about them:
  • Tapirs have been around for so long that they are now known as living fossils, which is why they are often described as living fossils
  • Tapirs are gestation period ranging from 13 to 14 months
  • Tapirs are a umbrella species, which means that protecting them will help protect other species of the rainforest with which it shares a habitat
  • The snout on the tapir is very flexible, so the snout is very adaptable
  • Tapirs in the Amazon are hunted for their meat

The baby tapirs have spots and stripes that make them resemble a watermelon. As they get older, these markings fade.

Tapirs are known as the "gardeners of the jungle." Some people believe tapirs are instrumental in re-growing the rainforests because they eat a lot of fruit and disperse seeds wherever they go.

How to celebrate #worldtapirday on apirday

  • On this day, many special events take place at zoos around the world that have tapirs
  • In addition, Tapir conservation groups' events help spread word about this rare species
  • Learn more about tapirs
  • Donate groups, such as the Tapir Specialist Group, are assisting the tapirs in shielding the tapirs
  • Go to your local zoo's tapir exhibit
  • Watch "The Tale of the Tapir" on Netflix
  • Using images and amusing facts about the animal on social media, you can help raise money for tapirs
  • When doing so, don't forget to use #WorldTapirDay

History of the world tapir day has tapir day

This special animal day brought together Tapir lovers and conservationists from around the world to celebrate this special animal species. In 2008, they hosted the first World Tapir Day, the first World Tapir Day.