Fri Jan 13th

National Sticker Day

Sticker Day, January 13th, recognizes all the ways stickers brighten up a page or send a special note. The day honors all things stickers, from custom printing of them to sharing stickers.. Every sticker has a tale.

Historians cite the European merchants in the 1880s as the first to stick labels to their products, in an attempt to sell their products and wares to passersby.

These smart, pre-industrial entrepreneurs used gum paste to make the labels stick and stick, and, well, stick: hence "stickers." By the 1900s, a sticker-specific paste had been invented and was widely used, most notable on stamps, which dried and then re-apply when moistened.

R. Stanton Avery, who was born on that day in 1907, was the subject of the observance. Avery, the original designer of the adhesive label with removable backing, was Avery.

How to celebrate #nationalstickerday..

National Sticker Day is one of many ways to commemorate! We will not restrict it to any age group, so be sure to invite everyone to the party. If you are shopping online, promoting their company, or learning something new, everyone deserves a sticker. While planning your wedding, be sure to check out these ideas as well.

  • Host is a sticker collection contest. Award awards for the largest, most vibrant, and most original collections have been given.
  • Stickers are also bringing in sales. Stickers are everywhere. Use stickers to create a buzz about special days
  • They promote creativity in the classroom, which instills innovation in the classroom. Students are encouraged to create stickers for use and campaigns.
  • Get organized! Get organized! Use stickers to keep track of your favorite projects. Color code your favorite projects with stickers that keep you on track

Photograph them and post them on social media using the hashtag #NationalStickerDay.

By visiting Celebration Spotlight, you can learn more about National Sticker Day and Sticker Giant's past.

History of national sticker day has spanned decades

StickerGiant, a promotional sticker and product label firm headquartered in Longmont, Colorado, founded National Sticker Day in 2015 to celebrate all the fun stickers' availability to people of all ages..

Sticker FAQ

Q. Who will celebrate National Sticker Day? Anyone can commemorate National Sticker Day. A. Anyone can remember National Sticker Day. Stickers can send a letter, create a note, bring a smile to one's face, or arrange our lives. Stickers can send a note, create a reminder, bring a smile to one's face, or arrange our lives.

Q. Is sticker art work?

A. They can be. Almost every work of art can be turned into a sticker. Make your own sticker by getting creative and designing a sticker. You might even be a sticker artist.