Fri Apr 28th

National Bravehearts Day

Every year on April 28, we celebrate National BraveHearts Day to recognize the bravery of families living with pediatric cancer. Pay tribute and help the families and friends of those involved in the child's life during this holiday season.

Navigating through cancer is both difficult and often frightening. Families with children with cancer need a strong support system, but families with children with cancer don't know where to turn... However, there is hope for families struggling with pediatric cancer through Spotlight Hope, a cell phone app. This free app gives information on local services, financial assistance, and transportation. In addition, Spotlight Hope links to other families who are also experiencing a similar situation. Most importantly, Spotlight Hope is designed to help with pediatric cancer by finding people who can rely on for assistance.

#nationalbraveheartsday #spotlighthope #spotlighthope is being observed by a #nationalbraveheartsday #spotlighthope

You can participate in today's observance in several ways. You can: You should: You can: You can: You should: You can: You can: You should. You should: You can:

  • Spotlight Hope's word is out there; spread the word about Spotlight Hope;
  • Post on social media using the hashtags "SpotlightHope" and #NationalBraveHeartsDay; for social media, use #SpotlightHope and #NationalBraveHeartsDay; and #NationalBraveHeartsDay; use #SpotlightHope and #NationalBraveHeartsDay; and #NationalBraveHeartsDay;
  • Suggest the Spotlight Hope App to a family you know is dealing with Pediatric Cancer; the Spotlight Hope App is a freebie that can be used to inform a family that is living with Pediatric Cancer
  • Donate to this BraveHearts for Kids to encourage them to continue their education

History has a national bravehearts day in the United States

In honor of their daughter Ava, Jeremy and Amy Jacobs founded BraveHearts For Kids in 2008. brain tumor was diagnosed at 13 months old by Ava and her parents.. Ava was able to recover from cancer's fight, which was thankfully, Ava. The couple knew Ava's life was a blessing and wanted to help other families in similar situations.

BraveHearts for Kids, today, not only saves children's lives, but it also provides information, hope, guidance, and resources to families dealing with the childhood cancer epidemic. The organization provides their services at no charge. Additionally, 100% of individual contributions go to help the services that are open to anyone. This includes emergency funding and plus 1-on-1 mentoring.. Families are matched with a mentor who is dealing with a similar illness and crisis with a child of their own.

Parents are now connected by Bravehearts for Kids, the country's top pediatric cancer charity, bringing families together to help them cope with pediatric cancer's traumatic experience. They help children's lives and support families living with Pediatric Cancer by providing hope, inspiration, education, and a link to resources. Pediatric Cancer is a disease that affects children.

If pediatric cancer is affecting your life in some way, download Spotlight Hope from the Google Play or Apple Store. Start collaborating with a wonderful community to make your travel more enjoyable...

Bravehearts FAQ

How many children are diagnosed with pediatric cancer each year? Q. How many children receive a diagnosis of pediatric cancer each year?

A. In the United States, more than 17,000 children per year are diagnosed with a form of pediatric cancer.

Q. What is the most common form of pediatric cancer?

A. While there are several forms of childhood cancers, the most common is leukemia.