Wed May 24th

National Escargot Day

Escargo is often prepared by removing the land snails from their shells and sauteing them with garlic, butter, and wine. With the sauce for serving, the gastropods will return to their shells once cooked. Since the snails are clumsy to eat, special forks and tongs can help with the dining experience.

Heliciculture is a branch of heliciculture. Growing snails are regarded as heliciculture. More people are raising snails for culinary use in the United States. Even though escargot still seems exotic to American palates, around the world escargot has long been a common dish.

This is the holiday to try it if you've never tried escargot. Find a restaurant near you that serves the delicacy and order a plate. Be sure to order wine as well. If you're looking for a dish to try at home, we have a recipe for you to try as well.

Enjoy this Escargot in Wine dish...

Read 9 Odd Foods That Are An Acquired Taste If you're looking for a unique way to express yourself on social media, visit NationalEscargotDay.