National Go Barefoot Day | June 1
Thu Jun 1st

National Go Barefoot Day

On June 1st, you will have the opportunity to kick off your shoes and run barefoot through the cool grass on National Go Barefoot Day. More importantly, it is a day to help a charity that helps millions of homeless children around the world get shoes.


How many pairs of shoes do you own? How many pairs of shoes do you own?

  • In your closet, the average American woman has 27 pairs of shoes
  • Averaging 12 pairs of shoes, men have much fewer pairs of shoes, with only 12 pairs of shoes on average

Why do women wear so many shoes?

  • Like to match their shoes with their outfit
  • Some women wear the same shoe in different shades
  • More options to choose from based on occasion..

What are the perks of not having a lot of shoes?

  • You may be able to find space in your closet for other items
  • You'll save a lot of money on other things.

A Good Fit Properly fitted shoes are also very important. Get rid of any shoes that don't fit properly. Your feet aren't healthy for your feet if wearing shoes that don't fit properly. Why should I sell my shoes?

  • When you give gently used shoes to those who need it most. Shoes are impossible to find in several countries, particularly good shoes that shield feet from rocks and harsh elements.. And if they do have access to a pair of shoes, they can be handed down, used or ill-fitting. And, they may only be able to wear them on special occasions
  • Donating your shoes keeps them out of the landfill and minimizes the amount of "stuff" already found in landfills, which can be reduced
  • A receiver who will wear them to school and work will have confidence. Donations made for usable, clean, and good shoes by someone who will wear them to school and work will help with confidence. It's amazing what a difference a pair of shoes can make

Shoes matter

Consider the following facts: If you need any more reason to sell your gently used shoes, consider these facts:

  • According to estimates, 300 million children around the world don't have any shoes at all
  • Children with just one pair of shoes will quickly outgrow them
  • Children without shoes can't attend school because they are usually part of the uniform
  • Walking, running, jumping, and playing have all been incorporated into physical fitness as a result of improved physical fitness

The benefits of owning a good pair of shoes: 1) The advantages of owning a good pair of shoes:

  • The feet are covered by the foot. Children who are without shoes are more vulnerable to soil-transmitted diseases
  • They shield the feet from tetanus, bacterial infections, and jiggers, which are small parasitic fleas. The soles of the feet are the entry point for these fleas to enter the body. These tiny fleas are 2,000 times their original size in just ten days, causing pain and difficult walking

Shoes are one of the hardest things to get in poorer countries, and you may be surprised to learn that shoes are one of the most difficult items to get in poorer countries. People in these countries can make their own clothing. However, making a durable pair of shoes is much more difficult. This is one of many reasons why millions of children in poverty-stricken countries go without.

SHARE YOUR SHOES Now is a good time to organize your closets and donate a pair or two of gently used shoes to a local charity. For more details, please contact This day is also known as:: Here are some other ways to commemorate this day..

  • In your neighborhood, hold a shoe drive where you can find gently used shoes to give away
  • Learn more about why going without shoes can jeopardize a child's health, education, and well-being
  • Consider how walking around all day without shoes would be like
  • When posting on social media, please help spread the word and use #GoBarefootDay

History of today

After the 2004 Tsunami tragedy, Soles4Souls created National Go Barefoot Day to help those affected by the event. However, contributions have continued to roll in, and over 56 million pairs of shoes have been donated globally since 2005.